Friday, 30 November 2012

Week 8 Update

With just two weeks to go, we have a number of important reminders...

Midsummer Night's Dream: It is all finally coming together and we are very excited about performing on Thursday evening, Dec 6th. This performance involves ALL YEAR 7 & 8 STUDENTS. They need to be at school that night by 6:15 if make-up is required and everyone else by 6:45. All students should know what to wear, props children to dress in black, if your child is unsure they need to speak with their Arts Academy teacher. We are having a dress rehearsal on Monday Dec 3 in the afternoon.

Canterbury Athletic Champs: All the best to our team of talented athletes who travel to Ashburton on Wednesday Dec 5th. If you are in the team, you must meet Mrs Inwood at 6:50am outside Hillview Christian School to catch the bus.

Pool Day: We are off to Jellie Park on Friday Dec 7th, straight after the final PRIDE assembly which starts at 9am. The charge for this trip is $ .... for bus fare and pool entry, plus $...... for hydro-slide. A notice about this trip was sent home on Friday.

Technicraft: Our final tech session for the term is on Tuesday Dec 4th.

Languages: These continue until the last week of term.

Home Learning: The last home learning assignment for the year is due on Friday Dec 7th. No more maths home learning will be given this year.

Attitude Afternoon: We have been pleased with how our Year 7 & 8s have been holding their behaviour together and applying themselves to their work. As a reward for this we are holding our Attitude Afternoon on Thursday Dec 6th. The children will have a choice of watching a movie, playing games outside or playing on tech devices. By Monday Mr Rodger will have chosen a movie, if required a note will come home for you to sign giving permission for your child to watch the movie.

Celebration of Learning: On the last Monday of term, Dec 10, you are invited to drop into your child's class, with your child some time between 3 and 6pm. The purpose of this visit is for your child to share their learning with you, have a quick chat with their teacher and collect their school report. We hope you take up this opportunity. If you can't make it along, reports will be sent home later in the week.

Last week of the year:
Monday Dec 10:
  • Matinee performance of Midsummer Night's Dream: 1:30 - 3:00
  • Celebration of Learning: 3pm - 6pm
Tuesday Dec 11:
  • Canterbury football fun afternoon for all Year 7 & 8s
Thursday Dec 13:
  • Year 8 Graduation Assembly starting at 11am, followed by a lunch in the hall. You should have received an invitation about this. Please return reply slips to office ASAP. Year 8s finish school for the year after the lunch.
Friday Dec 14:
  • Students meet with their 2013 teacher - 10:50
  • School finishes for the year at 12:30.
Saturday Dec 15:
  • Phew!

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