Tuesday 31 May 2022

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 5

 In this post

  • Winter sport begins
  • Cross country video
  • Cashmere High open day
  • Ski Day Term 3 - parent help request
  • Cheese Roll fundraiser
  • VelocityKarts photos

Winter Sport

Our local competitive winter sports programme gets underway this Thursday. Many thanks to the parents who have put up their hands to be involved. This opportunity could not go ahead without you. 

Cross Country

Our cross country event took place three weeks ago, with many children really taking on the challenge and pushing to give their very best. Well done to our zone competitors who gave their all at Hansens Park last week.

This video of the school event has been put together by Keira from our media team.

Cashmere High Open Day

Cashmere High School has their open day on June 9th. Check out this timeline for 2023 enrolments.

Ski Day Term 3

We are very much looking forward to taking the team to Mt Hutt for a day in the snow, especially after Covid cancelled this trip last year. We are all booked in for Thursday, September 1st. If you would like to join us on this trip as a helper, either on skis or on foot, please fill in this form. 

Cheese Rolls

With a number of outdoor trips this year, we need to raise some funds. Later this term we will be rolling out our very popular cheese rolls. Order forms will come out next week. The children are the workforce for this fundraiser, with guidance from a small group of parents. Our making day is scheduled for Wednesday, June 29th. If you are able to help by supplying equipment, ordering or picking up ingredients or helping on the day, please fill in this form.


Lots of fun was had at VelocityKarts in week 3. The highlight for many was the thrill of the blokarting, with human foosball a close second. It was fabulous to see our tamariki embracing this new challenge with huge smiles and whoops of joy. A huge thanks to the parents who joined us on these days. 

Monday 16 May 2022

Kauri Whānau: VelcoityKarts trips this week

 Kia ora everyone,

We are looking forward to our VelocityKarts trips this week. Jenny and Caitlin's home groups are going on Wednesday and Nicky and Megan's on Thursday. The children leave school at 9:30 and return by 3pm. 

They are to come dressed in warm activewear and closed-toe shoes. 

In a daypack, they will need:

  • A raincoat
  • Lunch (nut-free for the Wednesday trip please)
  • Water-bottle
  • Inhaler for those who need one
  • Any medication needed should be in a ziplock bag with the child's name on it, to be handed into their home-group teacher.
  • Sunglasses are optional
Below is the social story about the trip that we will be going through with the children tomorrow, Tuesday.  For some children, it would be good to go through this with them again at home the night before the trip.

Friday 6 May 2022

Kauri Whānau weekly Update: Term 2 Week 1

 In this post:

  • Outdoor Education
  • Getting active with Dave
  • Sports news
  • High School Info

Outdoor Education

We have booked two days to go to VelocityKarts for our outdoor ed experience this term. As well as experiencing the fun and challenge of blokarts, the children will also be involved with volleyball, human foosball, top team games and throwing games. Jenny and Caitlin's home-groups will be going on Wednesday, May 18th and Megan and Nicky's home-groups on Thursday, May 19th. The children will travel by bus, leaving school at 9:30 and returning by 3pm. We would love some parents to join us on this trip. Please fill in this form to indicate if you can help.

Getting active with Dave

Last term Dave ran spikeball as an after school session on Thursday afternoons. This will not be happening during term 2 and 3. He will now be taking a running club during Friday lunchtimes.

Sports News

This term we have four sporting opportunities for our Year 5 - 8 tamariki
  • Cross Country
  • Swimming Sports
  • Winter Sport
  • Basketball

Winter Sport

All children are involved in winter sport in some capacity. The winter sport opportunities available at our kura are netball, hockey and football. Weekly winter sport lasts for 10 weeks, (five weeks in Term 2 and 5 weeks in term 3) and takes place on Thursday afternoons. 

Some children join a competitive team and play weekly games against other schools in our zone. Games are held at a range of locations. 
Football - Hansen and Beckenham Park
Netball - School’s netball courts (Hillview, St Martins and so on)
Hockey - Ngā Puna Wai
Some children stay at school and form a development team, who focus on skill development in a non-competitive environment. 


This programme heavily relies on having enough adult teachers and caregivers to have an adult with each team. At the moment, we are in desperate need of more team managers, especially for football. The role of team manager is to go with the team to their game. It would be awesome if the team manager felt comfortable refereeing the game and this may not be essential. Referring at this level is not usually too tricky and can be done with no prior experience. What is required is knowledge of the game, or willingness to learn and an ability to make fair decisions. The most important quality in a ref is the ability to be fair.  There may be an older sibling in your whānau who could help out with coaching / reffing. If you think this could be you, please email Jenny at jenny.diggle@beckenham.school.nz

Year 5 - 8 Cross Country

Our school cross country is Tuesday afternoon starting at 1:50 and is an event that all children participate in in some way. Please see the previous post for more information. The children have been practising during our PE sessions and we have been really proud in the way that they are giving their best effort in these sessions. 

Year 5 -8 Swimming Sports

Swimming Sports is an optional event. It is usually in Term 1 but this year, due to COVID-19, it is being held on Monday 30th may at Wharenui Pool. Students who wish to take part and are confident swimmers can enter via a Google Form that is shared with them via Google Classroom. Student have until Thursday next week to make their entry. Some of our amazing Year 8 leaders have run information sessions with Year 5 and 6 to let them know details of this event. 


We have teams organised to start games at Pioneer after school, starting soon. There will also be opportunities to play in a Zone Tournament. 

High School Info

Each year in term 2, high schools share information for us to pass on to you. Now is a good time to look on the website of the schools you are interested in for your Year 8 child next year. Check out if they have an Open Day / Evening, check the enrollment procedures and you may like to check out scholarship information. We have received the following from Hagley College.

Hagley College

Year 9 enrolments here at Hagley. 
  • Applications for Year 9 2023 will open online from 16 May.
  • Please note that due to the continuing uncertainty around the pandemic, we have made the difficult decision not to hold an open evening this year.
  • We are still very happy to provide information about Hagley for 2023 to all interested parents, caregivers and students.
  • Our 2023 Junior College Lookbook is available on our website at https://www.hagley.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/2023_Hagley-College-Junior_Lookbook.pdf.
  • Families are also welcome to contact Suzanne Waters (Director of Students) with any questions about learning in Year 9 at Hagley on suzanne.waters@staff.hagley.school.nz.
  • For any other queries, or for those unable to complete an application online, parents/caregivers should contact Lisa Amer on lisa.amer@staff.hagley.school.nz or (03) 364 5134.

Thinking about Hagley for Year 9 2023? 10 key points about us:
  • We're a Designated Character School. To join us, you must agree to engage with our culture and our values of Whakamarumaru (Responsibility), Mana (Respect), Whakawhirinaki (Trust) and Tika (Integrity). We also need to be confident that Hagley has the resources to support you in your learning, that there is a programme that will meet your needs, and that there is a place for you in that programme.
  • We are a restorative school.
  • We have an inclusive and diverse learning environment.
  • We offer a connected curriculum.
  • All Year 9 students have two hours of Te Reo Māori, two hours of Health and three hours of PE each week. They also all take English, Maths, Social Sciences and Science. Students also choose from a wide range of Kete Wana courses to complete their programmes.
  • Social action and student leadership are actively promoted and celebrated.
  • Our Targeted Learning class is very small. Only 2-3 places will be available for new students in 2023 due to returning students.
  • GATE students are able to excel in their specialty fields.
  • Enrolment for Year 9 2023 opens online on 16 May 2022 and closes on 8 July 2022 at midday. It is essential to apply during this time.
  • There are only 125 places available in Year 9 for 2023. A ballot is usually required and will occur on 1 August 2022. Notifications re places will occur by 5 August 2022. Criteria for priority enrolment for those with family/whānau links to Hagley is on our website.