Sunday 18 February 2024

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1, Week 3



  • Technology
  • Leadership Week
  • Swimming Sports
  • Attitude Parent Evening
  • Cheese Rolls
  • CSM try outs
Kia ora whānau, another great week in the Kauri hub. There was much excitement around our first Technology session on Tuesday, everyone managed to get to school on time and all went smoothly. We are gearing up for Leadership week next week and rallying parents together for another fundraising opportunity.

The students represented Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto with pride. They had a great morning and there were many proud, smiling faces as we wandered around checking in on what they were making and doing.

Leadership Week:
Leadership week is coming up next week, students will work with their own year group. Both year groups will be participating in activities based around the 7 habits of mind, aimed to grow their leadership abililities.

Year 7 students will have a day participating in a rotation of activities, they have been asked to come to school in activewear on Wednesday.

Part of the plan for our Year 8 students is to have two EOTC days-Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd February, they may wear activewear on these days. On Thursday students will participate in school based activities, they will then be provided dinner here before we head off for an evening play at Margaret Mahy. We need parent helpers from 1:15-3:00pm on the Thursday at school to help run these activities.
The Thursday is an overnight stay, students sleep in the hub. More information will be sent out in a separate HERO post to all Y8 parents including a gear list and a medical form to fill out. On Friday we head to Spencer Park by bus from 9:30-3:00pm. We need parent helpers for this also.  If you are able to help please email 

Swimming Sports:
This is happening on Thursday 29th February 12:30-2:30 at Wharenui Swimming Centre. Please fill in the parent help form in the HERO post if you are able to help on the day.

Attitude Parent Evening: Parenting in the digital age
To be held on Tuesday 20th February (next week) in our school hall 6:00-7:00pm.

Cheese Roll Fundraiser:
We are making/selling cheese rolls to go towards our EOTC funding. This will be happening on Thursday 4th April. If you are able to help with this please fill in this google form.
Thanks to all whānau who have paid or have set up payments towards school donations, this is enabling us to plan ahead to provide EOTC opportunities for our Senior students.
Please contact the school office if you would like to set up an automatic payment.

CSM Try outs:
An opportunity for students to give an instrument a go! This will be in Pohutukawa on Wednesday the 21st of February from 4:00-6:00pm.

Kia Kaha Fire Fighters:
We appreciate everything you do!

Friday 9 February 2024

Kauri Whānau update: Term 1, Week 2



  • Leadership Week
  • Attitude 
  • Memories
  • Quiz Night
  • Young Writers workshop
  • Passions
  • Swimming Sports
  • EOTC for 2024

Leadership Week:
We are excited to announce that Leadership week is going ahead in Week 4. This is a leadership programme which has been run and perfected at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto over many years. The activities throughout the week are based upon The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Students' have started learning about these habits and how they can help us in our daily life. 
The Year 7 programme focuses on them working as a small group to plan and implement an activity that they can teach to our younger tamariki. Over the week they will be scaffolded through the process of how to do this.
Our Year 8 students will particpate in a variety of challenges where they will have to draw on their knowledge and use the 7 Habits to help guide them. This is all about co-operation and working as a team. As part of this the Year 8 students will have an evening excursion to Margaret Mahy playground and a day out at Spencer Park. More information to come.

The students' participated in a wonderful session with Christian from Attitude. The sesion was titled 'Tackling Technology' and was all about how to cope in the realm of social media. He gave them some great advice and tips.
A reminder that we are having Attitude back to present a parent and whānau evening on Tuesday 20th February from 6pm-7pm. This is open to all parents of Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto and will be held in the school hall. Children need to stay at home please.

Thanks to all of those who have brought an object to school and shared a memory with your home group. There have been some really interesting tales being told! Please bring in a memory next week if you haven't already.

Quiz Night:
We are hosting another fabulous Kauri Quiz night fundraiser. This is to be held in the school hall on Saturday 23rd March 7-10pm. All proceeds will go to education outside of the classroom for the Kauri hub. We will needs all hands on deck so please if you can help, let us know by filling in this google form.

Young Writers Workshops:
The Write on team is ready to support out budding authors with a range of oppurtunities:
Masterclasses: This is for Year 7-13-classes are limited click here to find out more.
Workshops in schools: working with small groups for either weekly or 1 or 2 day workshops. Click here to learn more.
Write on: Saturday classes, Years 4-13 click here for more info.

Passions has started off with a bang! The kids had their first session today and were fully engaged and excited. Here are a few pics from our coding club run by Kate:

Swimming Sports:
Swimming sports is coming up on Thursday 29th February. If your child would like to enter please make sure they have filled out the google form located in our Kauri hub google classroom.

Education Outside the Classroom for 2024:
This year we have planned a variety of EOTC (education outside of the classroom) opportunities for our Year 7 and 8 students. This is due to what this cohort of students missed out on during Covid times and with the transition to camp being every second year. The majority of EOTC is funded through school donations. Any overnight stays through the school will have an additional cost. Due to the extra activities planned for this year,  we will need to do some fundraising as a team to contribute to the cost. Your support with this is much appreciated, and we will provide more information about these efforts later this term.

Friday 2 February 2024

Kauri Whānau update: Term 1, week 1



  • Welcome
  • Workshops
  • Passions
  • Maths Club
  • Team Sports
  • Memory Object
  • Parent Evening

Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome to all of our students' and their whānau, we thouroughly enjoyed meeting you all and connecting with you at our recent Learning Conferences. It was a great way to kick of the school year! We have been very impressed by the leadership that is already being displayed by our Year 8 students' and many of our new Year 7 students' also. Our Senior students' did an amazing job of being the flag bearers and presenters in our Welcome Assembly this morning. Please feel free to contact your child's homegroup teacher by email if you have any questions or are unsure about anything.


We are underway with our start of the year workshops, these are Setting up a Kete site for blogging, Art-making bucket labels, Leadership-investigating and learning about what it is to be a good leader and choosing the Kauri hub leadership jobs and an introduction into this term's Inquiry topic which is Identity. The students' will rotate and spend three sessions doing each of these things over the next two weeks.


Everyone made a first and second choice for their passion today! There was a lot of excitement around this. We aim to begin our passion's sessions next Friday so we are busy sorting students' into groups.

Maths Club: 

For those who are needing some Maths extension and challenge this is for you! Nicky is running Maths club on Thursday mornings starting next week. Be at school at 8:20am to join in!

Team Sports:

Our team sports sessions have kicked off with a bang, student's have impressed with their demonstration of our school values and fair play!

Memory object:

Based upon the book Wilfred Gordan McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox students' have been asked to bring in an object connected with a memory that they can share with their home groups. Thanks to those that have done so already, they have been super engaging and interesting to listen to.

Parent Evening:

Our students are participating in a workshop with a group called Attitude. They learning about Tackling Technology-Social Media, Technology and Bullying.  We are also hosting a Parent, whānau evening presented by Attitude around Parenting in the digital age. It will be held in our school hall on Tuesday the 20th February 6pm-7pm. Please watch the promotional video below.