Wednesday 22 May 2013

Well that was J-Rock!

What a fabulous day we had yesterday. Hopefully your child came home fizzing about the experience last night. They stepped up and did us proud with a performance packed with energy, smiles and lots of precision. We came away with 8 excellence awards ... we were stoked! Today we spent an hour de-briefing, sharing highlights and observations, looking at photos and enjoying the buzz of the previous day. The children asked if we would do it again next year, with rather tired expressions (it's been a pretty major undertaking), we replied that we were thinking of 2015. We asked who would be keen to do it again and I think nearly every Year 7 hand was raised and raised very high!

A huge thanks to the 'dinner ladies' who arrived early so that dinner could be served as soon as the children had attended the final production meeting. The hot-dogs were delicious, and enviously eyed up by other schools.

One of the big highlights of the day was being with the high schools. Seeing what they put together was very inspiring and the children loved watching their dress rehearsals. The high school kids interacted really well with the J-Rockers and gave the children a lovely snapshot of the exciting stuff that lies ahead at high school. After listening to the high schools revving it up, our kids are now very keen to create a school chant.

We have decided to purchase the school package of photos, this will mean that you can access digital images of the performance (at least 150 of our own J-Rock) free of charge, with no watermark. We will let you know as soon as these are available and where to access them.

Enjoy the photos (below) that were taken from the wings, not the professional version just yet. We would love to hear what you thought by clicking the 'no comments' or 'comments' below and leaving a message.

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