Excitement is building as we get very close to our Champion Street move. Read on for important messages about the upcoming week.
Sports uniforms:
If you still have a sports uniform at home, please make sure this is sent back to Tracy on Monday.
Talent Quest:
The finals of our school talent quest will be held on Thursday afternoon, Sept 22. Parents are most welcome to attend.
The children have been writing movie reviews over the past two weeks. A number of children will need to spend time on their writing over the weekend. The reviews need to be completed by Wednesday.
Next week the children are staying at school on Tuesday morning and going to South for technology on Friday. This change of timetable is due to happenings at South next week.
On Thursday morning the movers are coming to take the remaining things out our hub and transport them to Champion St; this includes quite a bit of furniture. That morning we have planned a walking trip to Pioneer Pool and back. School will cover the pool admission costs. Children are to wear school uniform, including their jacket and bring togs and towel in their backpack. We think the walk will take 40 minutes, travelling along the river. We plan to be back at school, and our empty hub, by 12:30.
Children arrive at school at the usual time and travel to technology for the morning. No bags will be left at school. This will be the last time we will be in the hub. After tech, the bus will drop them at Champion St. You are welcome to join us from 12:30 - 1:30 for a sausage sizzle lunch, being put on by the PTA. After lunch the children will have their first afternoon in class at our new site. At 2:30, the buses will take the children back to Beckenham. Then the holidays will begin ... hooray!
Enjoying the first visit to our new hub on Tuesday. |
Painting kiwiana murals for Beckenham School @ Champion Street. |
We had some eager and very helpful workers on Thursday morning. |
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