Ski day this Wednesday:
The forecast is looking good for our ski day on Wednesday. We'll have a very early start with all children needing to meet on Eastern Tce at 6:20am. This is due to our lessons being scheduled for 9am.
Key reminders:
- Be at school, Eastern Tce, by 6:20am
- Come dressed is: thermal top and long-johns, long woollen socks, warm top, weather-proof pants and ski jacket. We can take off layers in the bus / car.
- In a day pack: gloves, goggles or glasses, large bottle of water, large lunch and inhaler / medication as required.
- In jacket pocket: some energy food for snacking on the slopes.
- Optional: activity for bus / car trip, camera, $5 to spend at cafe.
- All children will be provided with a helmet, skis, boots and poles.
- We will return to Eastern Tce by 6pm.
Learning Conferences:
We are looking forward to catching up with you at learning conferences tomorrow and on Thursday. You can still book a conference by going to and entering the code ay2w2
Please come straight into the hub when you arrive. The children will gather their books and start sharing their learning with you. Your child's home-group, maths and possibly reading teacher(s) will drop by to discuss progress and next steps. There will be a list on the large whiteboard to remind the children about all that they have to share.
Winter Sport:
The winter sport season has finished. A huge thank you to all of the parents who regularly gave their time to coach teams. Without you, the children would not have had the opportunity to play. Also a big thank you to Jenny and Gayle for all of the extra hours they put in to coordinate this weekly programme.
Congratulations to our Year 7 & 8 hockey team who were placed 9th at the Canterbury Winter Tournament last week.
Today the children got underway with their speech writing. They are writing a 3-4 minute persuasive speech. While most of this will be written at school, some writing will need to happen at home. Please encourage your child to work on their speech.
Celebrating our Cantamath achievements:
We were thrilled with the number of children who achieved excellence and highly commended awards for their display work at Cantamath last Wednesday.
- Highly Commended: Adam, Georgina, Tilly, Isla, Miriélle, Juliette, Daisy, George, Luke, Saraya, Kaia, Bonnie, Jarred's maths class project
- Excellence: Caleb, Jessie, Christopher, Santiago, Constantin, Marlonique, Rosie, Alex, Fynn
- Outstanding: Two pieces of work were awarded outstanding awards this year. We were very proud that Nicky's maths class project was one of them. We designed our own font and created a giant scrabble board that will displayed outside by the junior playground at Beckenham.
A big well done to our Cantamath teams who sweated it out for 30 minutes of challenging questions.
Year 7 team in action. |
Receiving the outstanding award for our class project. |
Excellence |
Excellence |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Excellence |
Excellence |
Excellence |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Excellence |
Finishing off our class project on a Sunday morning. |
Excellence |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Excellence |
Excellence |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
Highly Commended |
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