Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 5

Week 5! My goodness we are half way through the term. Life is busy in the Intermediate Hub. Please check the important messages below.

Top Team:

We are looking forward to Top Team on Thursday this week. Many thanks to the parents who responded to our plea for help. Parent helpers, we will see you at 1:10, with your sunhats and sunscreen as the weather forecast is for a warm and sunny day. This is great news as water is a key feature of this event. With that in mind, please make sure your child comes to school on Thursday with the following:

  • Sunhat (this should already be at school)
  • Towel
  • A set of clothes to change into for the event, as they will get wet. They can wear togs under shorts and a t-shirt. 
  • A plastic bag to carry damp clothes home in. 


Lots of effort is going into our rehearsals and props / costume making for 'The Trials of Alice in Wonderland'. Please make sure you have our performance dates marked in your diary: Monday December 4th and Thursday December 7th. All children will be involved in some of the singing and there will be a back-stage crew which have yet to be appointed. 


Our improv team team did a brilliant job in their South Island Junior Theatre Sports heat last Sunday. They were selected as the team to progress through to the finals on Sunday December 3rd. More details about that event will be coming soon. It would be great to have a big support crew. I'm sure the clapping and cheering makes a difference.

Well done to all of the children who competed at zone athletics on Monday. Special congratulations to Olivia, Vita, Shakira, Millie, Rosie, Kaia, Alex and Tilly who have qualified for the Canterbury athletics event on Wednesday December 6th in Ashburton.

2018 Leaders:

Tomorrow our house captains and student council exec for 2018 are off to Christ's College for an afternoon of learning about leadership. We selected these children after an application and interview process earlier this term. Congratulations to:

  • Chairperson of the Student Council: Fynn Skelton
  • Secretary of the Student Council: Tom Woodhouse
  • Treasurer of the Student Council: Adam Barton
  • House Captains Waimea: Bella Reddecliffe and Gabriel Lyall. Deputy: Murphy McCabe
  • House Captains Tennyson: Hannah Winchester and Thom Bell. Deputy: Constantin Gorny
  • House Captains Heathcote: Georgina Cockfield and Felix Morgan. Deputies: Jess Hancock and Santiago Montejo
  • House Captains Fisher: Tilly Harris and Kaden Pedersen. Deputies: Portia Pasco and Christopher Reynolds

Home Learning:

Maths home learning is due this week. As Friday is a holiday, please remind your child to have their completed work at school by Thursday.

Year 8 Pool and Pizza Party:

It has become a tradition for our Year 8s to get together for an afternoon of outdoor activity and pizza eating.  This year we will be doing this at Jarred's place. There will be swimming, trampolining, basketball and other outdoor games, as well as chilling with friends. This will happen on Monday December 11th.

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