Wednesday 27 June 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 9

We are racing towards the end of the term. Please remember that Monday coming, July 2nd, is a Teacher Only Day. Read on for important messages and celebrations.

Ski Day:

Our ski day is coming up in the third week of term 3, on Thursday August 9th. We have our parent helpers sorted and have raised $20 per child to reduce the cost of the day to $30 per child! We now need every family to complete this form for their child. If you have more than one child in the hub, please fill the form in twice.


Our school disco is this Friday. We would love to see as many of our children coming along between 7:30 and 8:30pm. Bling, water and food will be available for purchase. Please come into the hall to collect your child at 8:30pm.

Sleep Research:

Many thanks for your support with reminding the children to fill out their sleep slips last week. On Wednesday we will be forming sleep goals. This will involve using what has been learnt in research to improve the sleep experience. Sleep slips will be coming home on Wednesday, Thursday and Tuesday next week. Please talk with your child about their sleep goal tomorrow evening and what changes they will be making to their routine.

Science and Maths Badges:

There are a number of children in the hub who are working through maths and science badges, for the pleasure of learning and also to earn points for their 'we love learning' badge. If your child would like to do a badge, please check out these web-links to see what is on offer and then email one of us with their preference. Science badges are $6 and Maths $10. Payment is required before we order the badge. 

We Make a Difference:

We have been so impressed with the progress the children are making towards earning their Kete badges. Last week we presented another 5 badges in assembly. We are noticing an improvement in the quality of reflections the children are writing in their blogs, about the actions they have completed. 

Morvern has designed her own 'We Make a Difference' action. Read about her project below. You can support her initiative by purchasing her products at the school office.

Hello! I'm Morvern from the Kauri Hub and I am making some bags for Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July is trying to not use plastic for all of July, so it would be awesome if you could play your part and not use plastic bags, but reusable fabric ones. I have made these handy bags in two sizes. You can purchase bags for a gold coin, either one large bag or a bundle of 5 snack bags. Pay your money and select your bags from the honesty box in the school office. 100% of the money will go to Christchurch Bull Breed Rescue, who are saving bull breed dogs lives. Thank you for supporting them!

We love challenge too!

Yes, the staff love putting the kete into action as well.  We embraced the challenge and got there together! This is the end of our 'Mud, Sweat and Tears' experience last week ...

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