Friday 9 August 2019

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 3

The children have been enjoying the starting phases of our inquiry learning for this term on self-driven cars. Earlier in the week we viewed and discussed this TED Talk, and thought you might like to check it out.

Ski Trip

Thank you to the 25 families who have filled out the ski info form. Just waiting for the other 87 families to do this. Please click here if you are one of them. 

Our focus on completing work on time.

We have been impressed with how the children have stepped up to ensure they are completing work within set timeframes. That said, we do not want to place undue stress on children who have absent with illness and are happy to adjust expectations to suit circumstances.  Today, Friday, static images (including explanation) and speech planning should be complete.


A reminder that Cantamath projects are due in on Tuesday, August 13th. We are looking forward to these being brought to school before the children head off to technology on Tuesday. It has been exciting to hear about how the children are exploring their passions through a maths context.

This week we wrapped up our class Cantamath projects maths and enjoyed our annual Becamath problem-solving competition. We have designed playgrounds and bike jumps, operated a small business and created a mural on a series of painted panels. Along the way we have learned about profit and loss, Pythagoras's theorem, enlargement and angles and the mathematical thinking that goes into design, as well as solving lots of context-rich mathematical problems.

Special congratulations to our winning Becamath teams: Riley, Kate, Max and Arabella in Year 7 and Freddie, Amber, Matilda and Charlotte T in Year 8.   

A reminder that Monday is a staff-only day. The perfect opportunity to put finishing touches onto individual Cantamath projects!

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