Tuesday 2 November 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 3

In this post:

  • Relationships and sexuality education 
  • Athletics
  • Good luck to theatre sports team

Relationships and Sexuality Education 

It was great to have such a good turn-out at our parent evening for the relationships and sexuality programme. As part of our discussion at the end of the evening, we said we would let you know what was coming up in the next week's lessons. We have had two classes so far which have been about establishing our expectations, setting up ground rules with the children and discussing prior learning.  

We have two more sessions this week. These will delve into the sub-topic: 'Who am I?" In these sessions we will talk about:

  • rights and responsibilities and how these change as we get older
  • what the difference is between your sex and your gender
  • what is sexual identity / sexual orientation
  • stereotypes, the impact of these and how we can challenge them
These topics will take us into next week as well.


We had a great day for athletic sports last week. At the end of this post are some photos of the day. Zone athletics will look a little different this year and Jenny will be in touch with details for those who have children involved in this next stage of the competition. 

Theatre Sports

Last week the theatre sports teams had a great afternoon of competition at Medbury School. We wish our teams all the best for Christchurch Theatre Sports Competition which is going ahead this weekend.

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