Sunday, 12 December 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 9

In this post:

  • Reminders
  • Celebrations 
  • Photo Gallery

End of year reminders:

  • The Year 8 pool and pizza party is on Monday between 4 and 6pm. No money required. The best way to get there is to park on Dyers Pass Road by Cashmere Primary and walk through the school, down past the tennis courts. Liz will put a sign by the back gate. The street address is 79 Dyers Pass Road. They have a lovely outdoor pool and also access to the school playground. 
  • Year 8 arrive at school at the normal time on Tuesday, dressed in their best clothes.
  • Graduation assembly live stream details have been sent out via Hero.
  • Year 8 finish school after lunch on Tuesday.
  • Year 7 are planning to have a water fun activity on Wednesday morning, weather permitting, and will finish school at 12:30.


It was fabulous to present so many Gold Leadership Awards at last Friday's assembly. Congratulations to Ilia, Brooklyn, Fern, Sophie R, Zara B, Nevannah,  Frances, Olive, Syesha, Mac, Ollie, Te Paea, Mila, JJ and Otis.

Technology Awards:

Food technology: Te Paea Huntley
Hard Materials Technology: Rory Price
Fabric Technology: Mac Evans
Digitech: Zoë Clarke

Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award: Zoë Clarke

It has been said that “a good leader is one who takes a little more than their share of the blame and a little less than their share of the credit.” This philosophy reflects the poise, determination and sheer humility our young leader possesses. 

 It is with great joy, and pleasure that we announce Zoë Clarke, as our young leader of the year. 

Zoë, you have a natural ability to lead alongside your peers making others feel valued, and appreciated and this sees you gaining widespread respect without ever having to demand it. Your warmth, kindness and inclusiveness puts trust in people to look to you as their leader, and you graciously step into this role everytime with ease. When others are in need you are consistently there, whether it is providing encouragement, lending a hand or sharing your wisdom, our kura knows they can count on you.  It is a privilege to watch your vibrance filter through in all the extra opportunities you take on, and we have no doubt that you will thrive as you step forward into your high school journey.

Norman Kirk Memorial Prize for Citizenship - Molly Arnott

Nau mai te wero: Molly, you are not afraid to go beyond your comfort zone. You give 110% to all that you do whether that is running cross country, performing at ShowQuest or solving a tricky maths problem. 

Mā tātou katoa te waka e hoe: Molly, you are a fabulous team player. In sports teams, as a leadernclusi and as a learner you have proved time and time again that you can work effectively in any group dynamic. No matter who is in your team, you are inclusive and you have their back. 

He taonga te ako: Molly, you consistently push yourself to learn and grow. You know that learning can, at times, be difficult and that it can take time. You willingly put in the hard yards and reap the rewards. 

Nā mātou he rerekē te ao: Molly, you are proactive in being the change that you want to see in the world. One example of this is when you created a weekly newsletter during lockdown to entertain, inform and uplift your community.

Arohina te tangata me te taiou: Molly, you are warm-hearted, gracious and considerate. The support, encouragement and kindness you give is not exclusive to a few but generously extended to everyone. 

Year 8 Kete Awards

'We Love Learning': Nevannah Ashworth

Nevannah, you encompass everything it is to be a successful learner. Recognised not only by your teachers, but by a vast majority of your peers, you contribute to all class discussions, you give 110% effort to all tasks, and you are diligent in seeking and applying feedback. We proudly acknowledge your huge gains in literacy this year and applaud the time you spent at home furthering your progress through reading and writing. Tu meke Nevannah!

'We Love Challenge': Cooper Reddecliffe

Cooper, whether it’s out on the sports field, inside the classroom or up on stage performing, you rise to the occasion every time and do so with positivity, courage and determination. Praised by many around you and recognised as a fantastic role model, you consistently lead others and approach tasks confidently while remaining humble. You stand to make sport an inclusive environment for all genders and do so by challenging the norms and getting involved in anything and everything. Keep igniting the spark within and never lose your passion and drive. 

'We Make a Difference': Andi Green and Emily Buckley 

Andi, you are a committed, outgoing person who supports causes that you are passionate about. You have been an important part of our Kauri’s Diversity Group, showing commitment, compassion and acceptance of those around them. You made a difference by writing a powerful speech, educating others about how important it is to be who you are no matter what others think. Mahi whakamataku 

Emily, you are a bubbly, kind, inclusive person who seeks to make a positive change in the world around you. You are actively involved in many fundraising events held around the school, doing your part for those in need and celebrating these causes for change. You go above and beyond to ease the load of others around you by lending a hand, encouraging and doing everything with a smile.  Continue to find the spark in others, and the world will shine back on you.  

'We Get There Together': Thomas Zinzan

Thomas, you have such a welcoming and kind nature. No matter who is in your group, you treat them with respect and value their input. Leading alongside your peers is your style and this supports others to give their best. Your inclusivity is recognised by so many around you and they appreciate your fun-loving personality especially the way you approach tasks with a big smile and ‘go-getter’ attitude. 

'We Care': Te Paea Huntley

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua! Care for the land, care for the people, go forward!  Te Paea, this whakatauki perfectly describes your approach to life. You are such a kind-hearted soul, extending deep and genuine care to the environment and people around you. You keep Māori tikanga principles at the forefront of your mind. You are always polite, always personable and so positive. Always be you! 

Te Whānau Mahi Tahi Performance:

Photo Gallery:

Lots of fun was had last week as the children learned about how sports and equipment are adapated to meet the needs of people with disabilities. the had a blast playing wheelchair rugby.

We had the perfect day for our trip to Corsair Bay.

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