Friday 2 February 2024

Kauri Whānau update: Term 1, week 1



  • Welcome
  • Workshops
  • Passions
  • Maths Club
  • Team Sports
  • Memory Object
  • Parent Evening

Welcome Back!

A very warm welcome to all of our students' and their whānau, we thouroughly enjoyed meeting you all and connecting with you at our recent Learning Conferences. It was a great way to kick of the school year! We have been very impressed by the leadership that is already being displayed by our Year 8 students' and many of our new Year 7 students' also. Our Senior students' did an amazing job of being the flag bearers and presenters in our Welcome Assembly this morning. Please feel free to contact your child's homegroup teacher by email if you have any questions or are unsure about anything.


We are underway with our start of the year workshops, these are Setting up a Kete site for blogging, Art-making bucket labels, Leadership-investigating and learning about what it is to be a good leader and choosing the Kauri hub leadership jobs and an introduction into this term's Inquiry topic which is Identity. The students' will rotate and spend three sessions doing each of these things over the next two weeks.


Everyone made a first and second choice for their passion today! There was a lot of excitement around this. We aim to begin our passion's sessions next Friday so we are busy sorting students' into groups.

Maths Club: 

For those who are needing some Maths extension and challenge this is for you! Nicky is running Maths club on Thursday mornings starting next week. Be at school at 8:20am to join in!

Team Sports:

Our team sports sessions have kicked off with a bang, student's have impressed with their demonstration of our school values and fair play!

Memory object:

Based upon the book Wilfred Gordan McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox students' have been asked to bring in an object connected with a memory that they can share with their home groups. Thanks to those that have done so already, they have been super engaging and interesting to listen to.

Parent Evening:

Our students are participating in a workshop with a group called Attitude. They learning about Tackling Technology-Social Media, Technology and Bullying.  We are also hosting a Parent, whānau evening presented by Attitude around Parenting in the digital age. It will be held in our school hall on Tuesday the 20th February 6pm-7pm. Please watch the promotional video below.

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