Tuesday 2 May 2017

Kauri Whanau: Term 2 Week 1 Update

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back later this morning, when the children return from tech. We've spent part of our break planning another exciting term of learning in the  Intermediate Hub. Please read the messages below carefully.


Please click this link to indicate your child's costume situation.
Tickets for J-Rock and Stage Challenge can be purchased through Ticketech. They are rather expensive at $34.50 each for adults, plus booking fee. It is a very entertaining evening. We will be performing our J-Rock for the school community later in the term, venue to be announced. This date will be set shortly.


Tomorrow we start training for cross country. Please make sure your child brings a t-shirt to change into for running. Roll-on deodorant would also be handy, no aerosol please. Our school cross country is next Friday afternoon, at Beckenham Park.

Trials are underway for winter sport teams this week. Many thanks to the parents who have offered to help; without you we cannot enter teams. Our winter sport programme gets underway in week three, the day after J-Rock!

Basketball starts for the Friday team, the Breakers, next Friday, May 12th, and the Monday team, the Bulls, on May 15th.

Learning Conferences:

Learning conferences will be happening next week on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Champion St. Children will return to Beckenham by 2pm these days. If your child has their learning conference between 2 and 3pm, they can wait at Champion St for you to arrive. If you are yet to book an conference, please click www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and use the code: b5quc. Please note that you will need to allow 30 minutes for your child's learning conference.

Home Learning:

During the holidays we have been marking the children's inquiry learning on the '7 Habits'. Your child will share this with you at learning conferences. We noticed that a number of children did not really understand habit 7, 'Sharpen the Saw'. As a result we have designed the next two weeks home learning around this habit, in lieu of the usual maths home learning. Their assignment is on a google doc, which they will need to access at home. This is not one to leave to the last minute, as it is about 'little and often'. Please encourage your child to fill in the diary section of this assignment regularly.

Week Two:

Next week on Monday we have two events happening. First thing, the children meet by the ponds (usual bus meeting place) at 8:50am. From there they will walk to the Beckenham Methodist Church to spend an exciting hour playing drums with Rhythm Interactive. We will then bus to Champion St. Lunch will be early that day, at 12:15, so that we can be on the buses by 12:45, to travel to Hillview School. They have kindly allowed us to use their gym so we can rehearse for J-Rock. Children will be back at Beckenham by 3pm.  No drops offs or pick ups from Champion Street that day please.

Sharing Our Learning:

We have been blown away by the insightfulness shown by some of our students in their '7 Habits of Highly Successful People' inquiries. Below are just three examples...

Habit 1: Be Proactive:

Mark Inglis
You display habit one when you don’t sit around and wait for things to happen to you, you search out greatness.

As soon as Mark Inglis began to speak I knew that he was a proactive person.He lived by the trait get up and do it. After having both his legs amputated. The average re active person would have sat down and thought, ”Well that's the end of my life climbing mountains.” But not Mark Inglis.  He had a dream. It had been a goal from childhood to stand at the top of the tallest peak in the world. Mount Everest. And being Mark Inglis he was going to fulfil that goal. Inglis did not sit around and wait for it to happen he made it happen. And in the process he raised tens of thousands of dollars for the Cambodia Trust.

Getting up mount everest is one thing but getting down is another.He struggled to keep going but mountaineering is not like other sports,because  if you give up you die.  And that wasn't an option for him. The stumps that had once been saved from frostbite where bleeding to the bone and his fingers were turning black and icy. But that proactive trait kept him going. He kept his cool. The pain throbbing through his body he fought on. Finally he made it down.

Mark Inglis is brave and determined he strive to live life to its best.He is is not the kind of person who gets agitated easily. He is very dedicated to having the best attitude that he can have, “attitude determines your altitude”. He now travels around giving speeches about his journey to greatness. So everyone else can learn and aspire to seek out challenges and find ways to make life your adventure.

By Kaia Joergensen

‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’ Peter Ducker.
This is like armchair activism. This quote means not to sit on your armchair watching the thing you want to become, get out there and train for it. That’s what you would do if you wanted to become a professional rugby player. Train train and train. Ben Atkinson showed that when he saw Ben Campbell Live Episode he was inspired to end Christchurch poverty. Ben Atkinson started 'Fill Their Lunchbox' after seeing kids with empty lunch-boxes. Ben Atkinson was a chef at Joe’s Garage and he grabbed a few people who were rehabilitating to work for him.

‘The comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there’ Unknown.
This quote means that everyone does like their comfort zone and they feel embarrassed if they jump out of it, but your dream is unlikely to come true if you don’t take a step out of your comfort zone. Just belive in yourself. But if you take that leap out you will go further in life then if you just stay in your comfort zone feeling safe. You do feel really safe in there and you know nothing will happen to you, but if you stay in there you might become a much different person than you want to become.

By Joe Flynn

Habit 3: Put First Things First:

‘Put first things first and second things are thrown in. Put second things first and you’ll lose both first and second things.’ - C.S.Lewis

What this quote really means is that you will always succeed if you put first things first and leave the second things to when you have finished the first things. ‘Put second things first and you'll lose both first and second things’ what Lewis is saying is that if you put second things first and first things second is that you are bound to fail both things. So it is always good to do the hard things first and the fun stuff of your choice second in order to succeed in both. And if you put the fun things first you will most likely fail both.

Set priorities for your goals in life. A major part of success living lies in the ability to put first things first. Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is that we spend our time doing second things first.’ - Robert J.Mckain

What Robert is telling us is that we must prioritize our goals in live. ‘A major part of success living lies in the ability to put first things first’ means that a major part of success is to be able to put first things first. ‘Indeed, the reason most major goals are not achieved is what we spend our time doing second things first’ what this means is when you set goals and they are not achieved this is mainly because you have delayed work on it to do a more fun thing first.

This habit will affect the people around you because if you are focused on what is important then you could support others and they will then be able get things done and be more successful. When you use this habit it will help with organising your life and you will do better when it comes to completing tasks and achieving goals.

By Hannah Smith

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