This term is rocketing by. We had a great leadership week last week. Lots of positive feedback has been sent through from the Yr 1- 4 teachers about the superb job that the Year 7s did as leaders in the junior classrooms at the end of last week. The Year 8s really stepped up during their two-day leadership camp. The inclement weather on Friday gave them the opportunity to put proactivity into action while completing team challenges at Spencer Park. After listening to Mark Inglis share his story of being trapped on top of Aoraki for 13 days, a little drizzle was nothing to complain about!
As we settle back into routine this week, the next big adventure on the horizon is Wainui Camp. It is time to fundraise so that we can reduce the cost of camp to all families. Please get in behind our two fundraising projects.
Comedy Bingo Evening
Get a group of friends together for a great night of entertainment. So far only 4 tickets have been sold and we would like to sell around 120.
Please click on this link now and book your tickets. This fundraiser is solely for our camp, so please give it your support.
Cheese Rolls
Cheese rolls are a great family snack, especially as we head towards autumn. We will be making these at school in week 9. If you have ordered our cheese rolls in the past, you will know just how delicious they are! Please contact your family and friends to see how many packets you can sell.
Complete this form with your order.
Leadership Camp Photos
Sorting the 7 Habits |
No high fives, but rather a high 3 and two halves with Mark Inglis. He lost the tips of two fingers from frostbite on Everest. That was after losing both legs below the knees after being stuck on Aoraki, Mt Cook for 13 days. |
Group initiative tasks. This one is balancing many people on a concrete block. |
Chilling out at Margaret Mahy Playground |
Supporting each other during the ropes challenge. |
The flying fox team challenge. |
Slightly damp, but the BBQ lunch was great. |
Our resident bus entertainer. |
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