Thursday 18 August 2022

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 4

 In this post:

  • Cantamath
  • Ski Day
  • Year 8 testing for high school
  • What's happening in the hub?


It was fabulous to see so many awesome Cantamath projects arrive at school last Thursday.  Many thanks for the support, guidance and encouragement you gave to your tamariki so that they could succeed with this project. The slideshow at the end of this post shows projects that will be going through to the Cantamath Competition next week.

These projects need to be delivered to the Christchurch Arena on Tuesday, August 23rd, between 7:15am and 12 noon. We probably have two car loads to transport. If you are able to help with this, please email

All the best to our problem solving teams who will be competing on Wednesday afternoon. Projects can be viewed on Wednesday after school at the Christchurch Stadium. We will take care of project collection after the Year 8 competition and it would great to have help from anyone who is there at that time. 

Ski Day:

This week we have started talking about what our ski day will look like, what the children need to wear and what to do to stay safe on the slopes. 

For those who indicated that they would like help with clothing, I am mid-way through matching up what we have with children. One thing we are short on is ski goggles. Sun glasses are also just fine. Goggles and other clothing items can be hired. We have found one of the most cost effective places to hire from is Snomania, 4 Dalgety Street, in Riccarton.

If you offered to loan gear, we are short on goggles, larger child's gloves and size 12 - 14 ski pants. If you have any you could send along, please name them and send to the hub ASAP. 

This is an outline of our day in the mountains on Thursday September 1st:

  • 5:50am gather at school on Sandwich Rd.
  • 6am depart school in 2 coaches and cars
  • 8am arrive on mountain (or soon after)
  • 8:15 in ski hire
  • 9:00 beginner lessons 
  • 10:30 morning tea
  • 11:00 lessons for more experienced
  • 12:30 lunch
  • 1:00 free skiing for all 
  • 3:30 return all gear
  • 4:00 leave field
  • 6:00 back at school

Children will need:

  • thermal layers, two top and one bottom
  • weather-proof ski pants
  • weather-proof jacket. Puffer jackets are not all waterproof and may need a parker layer on top
  • gloves or mittens
  • knee length socks
  • normal shoes, e.g. running shoes
  • suncream
  • glasses or goggles
  • a hearty lunch and water bottle
  • inhaler for those who need it
  • any medication for the day in a zip-locked bag to be handed to teacher
  • optional - neck muff or scarf (which will need to be tucked inside jacket)
  • we will take plenty of photos (any cell phones will be collected and looked after during the day)
  • food up the mountain is very expensive. Children may like to bring some money for a hot chocolate or some hot chips

Year 8 testing for high school:

As some of you might be aware, Cashmere High are having their testing day for next year's intake in late September. This is to help with class placements, alongside what we inform them when we meet with Cashmere High staff later in term 4. We recognise how important is it to prepare our students with the skills to do these tests, so while we don't know and can't give away any content, we are going to hold a workshop to discuss exam tips and tricks. We will aim to do this in the week leading up to the testing so it is fresh in their minds! 

What's happening in the hub?

  • We have just finished creating calendar art 
  • Next week we start relationships and sexuality lessons for health, we also delve into the nature of science and start conceptualizing our production which will be a walk through the 1980s.
  • In literacy we are writing story-telling speeches
  • In maths some classes are learning about proportion and ratio and others are learning about statistics

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