Tuesday 11 August 2020

Kauri Whānau Week Update: Term 3 Week 4

This blog contains information about:

  • Fundraising update
  • Speeches
  • Cantamath Projects
  • Congratulations
  • Ski Trip (lots of important info)

Plates of food needed for Quiz Night

Thanks to the 10 people who have volunteered to provide plates of food for supper at our Quiz Night on August 22nd. We still need 20 more plates. Please click here to let us know if you can help. These can be dropped at the hall on Saturday afternoon or just before the quiz in the evening.

Cheese Rolls

There was a problem with the order form that went out in the weekend - which has now been fixed. We will also send paper order forms home, as these are handy for collecting multiple orders. 

Bike Raffle

We would love a couple of families offer to spend an hour at New World supermarket over this coming weekend selling tickets for our bike raffle. If you think you could do this, please email Megan.

Story telling speeches

The children know that their story telling speech needs to be finished by this Friday. They then have until Thursday the 20th to practise the delivery of their story. Stories will be shared on Thursday and Friday of next week. The more practise they get at reading their story aloud, adding gesture, pauses and using eye-contact - the better. Please encourage your child to be working on this at home. 


The Cantamath competition is coming up on September 16th. This is a Canterbury maths competition for Years 7 -10. It has two sections - problem solving teams (which will be selected in a couple of weeks) and a maths project display competition. On Monday next week, we will send home information about the display competition. All children are expected to create something (maths artwork, model, written project, game/puzzle, photography, publicity motif) and this is mainly done at home. There will be three weeks to work on their project. We will talk through ideas at school and are very happy to talk with individuals and provide some guidance to support them with this home learning. 


We had a number of Year 8 students apply for leadership and sports scholarships at Cashmere High School recently. We were thrilled to hear that Thomas Lyall has been awarded a leadership scholarship. Tu meke Thomas!

Ski Trip: Friday August 28th

Departure time

Because Mt Hutt are operating with reduced numbers of ski instructors this year, we have needed to split the times for our ski lessons. The majority of our children will have their lessons at 11am. These children will travel by bus to Mt Hutt, and will need to be at school by 7:15am. The other 30 children (the more experienced skiers) will be having their lessons at 9am. This group will be travelling by private 4WD cars (with drivers who are experienced on mountain roads) and will need to be at school by 6am. We will all be back at school by 6pm. We will be sending out emails later this week confirming which group your child will be in. 

Ski contract

Later this week a paper copy of our ski contract will be coming home. This needs to be read and signed by the child and a parent / caregiver. Please make sure these are returned to school by Monday August 23rd. The contract outlines our expectations of children on the day, so we can ensure everyone is safe on the mountain.


Many thanks to everyone for filling in student information for our upcoming ski trip. We are currently matching children up with clothing (for those who requested this help) and hope to have got through everyone by Friday. If you offered to loan clothing - I will contact you if we need it. Eye protection is something that all children must have. This can be either sunglasses or googles. We do not have enough to loan to children who have requested goggles or sunglasses. These can be hired, as can ski clothing, from outlets in town. Snowmania rent gear at very reasonable prices: 4 Dalgety Street, Riccarton Phone: 03 961 6747. Remember that we arrange the skis, boots and helmets through Mt Hutt; you don't need to sort this equipment. 

Being dressed for the mountain conditions makes such a difference to the enjoyment of the day. Below is a reminder of what your child will need. 
  • Several thin layers are much better for keeping warm and comfortable than a bulky layer. Cotton is not great for the mountains; thermal clothing is what’s needed.
  • Polypro or woollen thermal top
  • Thermal ‘long-johns’ or tights
  • Fleece or woollen top / jersey
  • Waterproof pants
  • A warm weatherproof jacket
  • Woollen or thermal socks, not too thick. Socks need to come up to mid calf at least.
  • Weatherproof gloves or mittens
  • Either sun glasses or ski goggles
  • A scarf is optional, but must be tucked into their jacket, to avoid dangling ends.
  • Hats are not needed as all children will be given a helmet
  • Sunscreen, for the face
  • A substantial lunch, including a drink. The mountain cafe is very expensive. Children may bring some money for a hot drink or snack, but please also pack a lunch. They are responsible for looking after any money they bring.
  • Long hair needs to be tied up. Children who get asthma should have their inhalers with them.

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