Tuesday 18 August 2020

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 5

In this blogpost:

  • Fundraising Update
  • Ski Trip Update 
  • Maths
  • Self Defence

Quiz Night: 

A huge thanks to those who sent in items for our hamper raffle. Hampers have been put together and ticket sales are underway before and after school. Thanks to the 20 people who have offered to provide a plate of food for the supper. Liz will be in touch soon, via email, with instructions for dropping these off on Saturday.

Cheese Rolls: 

Orders are trickling in for cheese rolls. These close next Wednesday. Please click here if you are yet to order yours, or order on the paper form that went home last week and post the order in the box that is at the office.

Bike raffle:

The bike raffle will be drawn at the quiz night. If you have yet to get your tickets, you can buy these online.

Toilet Paper and Paper Towels:

We have extended this fundraiser as there are some delays with delivery. Please click here if you would still like to order some toilet paper and paper towels.

Ski Trip:

Apologies for confusing you with the wrong date on the ski contract form. Our trip is on August 28th. Many thanks for those who have returned this ski contract. If you have yet to get yours back, please get it signed and back to school. 

After speaking with Mt Hutt yesterday, we have had to change our departure times to fit in with their ski instructor availability. We will now all be leaving at 6am. Yes, that is a very early start, but it will ensure that we can all make the most of our day in the mountains. 

Please check last week's post for the list of what each child will need. I have nearly finishing matching children up with clothing. We are short on some sizes. If we are unable to help your child, you could check out Snowmania.

Maths Home Learning and Guest speakers:

On Monday we posted a presentation with ideas for Cantamath projects on google classroom. After Wednesday all children will have talked about what Cantamath projects entail and will have been given a notice with the entry options on it to take home. This is a home learning activity for the next three weeks. We are more than happy to support your child with ideas, they just need to ask one of us. By this Friday every child should have decided what to do and be underway with their project. Projects are due in on Friday September 14th.

On Monday and again on Wednesday we have had Alex, a maths professor from Canty Uni who is currently working  on the Govt National Response Committee for Covid-19, working with our team.  Alex talked about how being a mathematician is a rewarding career pathway. She went on to run a number of practical probability activities that gave a very good insight into how Covid-19 spreads and how mathematical modelling can predict the spread of the virus. 

Self Defence

Every year we work with Lynda Maindonald from the Girls' Self Defence Project, who spends 8 hours with our Year 8 girls teaching them self defence skills. This is a NZ wide project that was set up by the Crime Prevention Unit 20 years ago. These sessions start on Sept 4th. From time to time our boys ask why they cannot be involved in these lessons. This project was set up in response to crime statistics that clearly showed it was our female population who most needed self-defence skills and education. 

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