Friday, 7 March 2025

Wainui Camp 2025

 Wainui Camp 2025: A Journey of Growth and Adventure

Our recent Wainui Camp was more than just a fun getaway—it was an experience that brought our school's core values to life. Throughout our adventures, we discovered what it means to care for one another, work as a team, embrace challenges, pursue learning and make a real difference.

From the moment we arrived, the spirit of care was evident. Whether it was encouraging a friend to take a leap off the wharf, supporting teammates during coasteering or respecting the natural world while hunting for pāua and crabs, our tamariki showed kindness and responsibility in action.

Teamwork was at the heart of our experience. Success in activities like kayaking, shelter building, and orienteering relied on collaboration rather than individual effort. Using UHF radios during our search and rescue mission to locate Bob reinforced the power of clear communication and working together. Every challenge reminded us that we get there together.

Stepping outside our comfort zones became a common theme. The giant swing and high ropes tested our limits, while coasteering and wharf jumping pushed us to be bold. These moments weren’t just about adrenaline—they were about discovering resilience, trust, and courage.

Learning at Wainui extended far beyond the classroom. Each activity offered hands-on lessons, from navigation skills in orienteering to problem-solving in search and rescue. Even exploring the coastline became an opportunity to deepen our understanding of nature and resourcefulness.

As we return to school, we carry with us not just memories of an incredible camp but a stronger sense of confidence, teamwork, and adventure. Wainui Camp 2025 has set the tone for an exciting year ahead, and we can’t wait to see how these experiences continue to shape us as individuals and as a team.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Fantastic Start for Team Kauri 2025, Week 3, Term 1

 We are off to a fantastic start in the Kauri team, with our Year 7 and 8 ākonga settling into their new routines, forming connections and stepping up as leaders in our kura. The start of the school year is always an exciting time and we’re focused on building a strong foundation for learning, teamwork and personal growth.

At the heart of everything we do are our school values like: "We get there together." This has been a guiding principle in our first few weeks, as students have worked together to support one another, take on new challenges and prepare for a fun year ahead.

Building Strong Connections

Transitioning into Year 7 and 8 brings new experiences, responsibilities and opportunities. To help everyone feel at home, we’ve engaged in a range of getting-to-know-you activities and team-building challenges. These games and collaborative tasks have helped students forge friendships, develop trust and learn the importance of working together.

Preparing for Wainui Camp

One of the most anticipated events in Kauri is our upcoming camp at Wainui! The students are already buzzing with excitement as we begin our preparations. They have been learning about resilience and problem-solving skills that will be put to the test in the outdoor adventures ahead. We can’t wait to see them challenge themselves, step out of their comfort zones and build even stronger bonds as a team. 

Creative & Active Learning

Kauri students have already thrown themselves into their learning with enthusiasm. From tie-dying tops (which turned out amazing!) to creating artwork that reflects their personal stories, creativity has been flowing. In sport, students have been getting active and showing great sportsmanship as they dive into new games and activities.

Stepping Up as Leaders

A highlight for many students has been the assignment of leadership roles. Whether as house leaders, peer mediators or members of the admin team, our Year 7 and 8s are stepping up and embracing the opportunity to make a difference in our kura. Leadership in Kauri is all about service, responsibility and leading by example, and we’re already seeing some fantastic leadership in action.

Looking Ahead

As we settle into Term 1, there is so much to look forward to. We’ll continue to explore new learning opportunities, develop our leadership skills, and most importantly, support one another in achieving our goals. Because in Kauri, We get there together!

Staying Safe Online

As our tamariki spend more time online, it’s important parents and whānau help them

stay safe. Now is a great time to talk to them about how we use the internet and digital


Netsafe has created an Online Safety Parent Toolkit so parents, families and whānau have

all the information they need to talk about online safety.

If you or anyone in your whānau needs support, you can contact Netsafe.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, week 6

 In this blog post:

  • Production
  • Victoria Park Walk
  • Year 8 Pool Party
  • Cass Bay
  • Leavers Farewell

We have an extremely busy time ahead; here are some important dates and information for you.

Production: Held in the school hall Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th December-7pm!
We are busy gearing up for our production-'A walk through Aotearoa, New Zealand History.' This production has got our tamariki fizzing; it is student-led, and everyone has been very engaged. We are currently busy learning lines, dances, songs, and making props.
More to come from homegroup teachers about what students will need for costumes.
Students will need to be at school by 6:30pm both nights.

Victoria Park Walk:

We are carrying out our annual hike up to Vic Park on Monday the 9th December. Thank you to all of the parents who have said they can come and help. If you would like to accompany us please fill in this parent helper form HERE.

We will leave school at 10am and leave Vic Park to return at 1:30pm.

I have attached the SOCIAL STORY link, which has all of the relevant information. We will start to go through this with our homegroups over the next couple of weeks.

Year 8 Pool Party:
This is also happening on Monday, 9th of December, and is for our Year 8 students only.
We are going to meet at Waltham Pool from 4-6pm; students need to make their own way there and home.
Students' need to provide pool entry of $3.80 and $2 for the use of the hydroslide if they choose.
We will provide a sausage sizzle on the BBQ.
They will sleep well on Monday night!

Cass Bay:
We are heading to Cass Bay on Thursday, 12th of December. We will leave school by bus at 11pm and return at 3pm.
Students are encouraged to wear their togs underneath their activewear so that they can quickly get changed at Cass Bay.
Students need a big packed lunch; they can organise to share a lunch with friends. Please make sure all sharing food is nut-free.
They also need a sunhat (compulsory) sunscreen, any medication such as inhalers, a towel, and a warm jacket.
Optional: A book, card game, water shoes, long-sleeved rashshirt are a great idea, and shoes for around and on the rocks.
Phones are to be left at school as normal.
We will be working through a social story around this trip over the next couple of weeks.
We still need a few more parent helpers for this trip; we're not quite there with numbers for our student-to-adult water ratio. Please use the above form linked in the Victoria Park walk blurb if you can come!

Leavers' Farewell-Year 8 parents only:
This is to be held on Monday, 16th of December, at 11am in our school hall. It is followed by a luncheon. This is the final day for our Year 8 students.
Please indicate on this FORM whether you are able to attend  and if you have any dietry requirements.

Thanks for reading to the bitter end; there is a lot of information, and I will keep sharing it until closer to the time.

Sunday, 27 October 2024

Kauri whānau update: Term 4, week 2

  • Music Festival
  • Production
  • School Donations
  • 2025 Leadership Postions
  • Year 8 Leavers Book

Music Festival
On Friday night, our Year 7 & 8 choir members took part in a wonderful performance at the Christchurch Schools' Music Festival. After a solid dress rehearsal in the morning, their dedication and enthusiasm carried through to the evening performance, where they sang beautifully.

A huge thank you to all the parents who came along to support the choir, and a special thank you to Megan C (from the Pōhutukawa Team), who has been an invaluable support for the choir over the past two years. A big thank you as well to Margot H for playing piano during our school rehearsals.

As part of our Aotearoa New Zeland Histories and Identity learning this term we have decided to run a production. The production will be a timeline of inportant historical NZ events. We are currently in the research/learning stage and then will head into creative mode in the next few weeks. Watch this space!

School Donations:
We have raised close to $500 with our Kauri sausage sizzle next week. This is just over half of what we need to fund the buses to Cass Bay.
If you are yet to contribute to school donations, now would be an amazing time!  We greatly appreciate all donations you make towards donations. These go a long way towards providing a rich and diverse programme for our tamariki.
The suggested amount asked for is $150 but we are happy to take whatever you can give, you can also set up automatic payments more information can be found by visiting THIS link.
Thank you!

2025 Leadership Positions:
It is the time of year when we are asking our current Year 7 students to apply for 2025 leadership positons.
These applications need to be in by next Friday 1st November.

Year 8 Leavers Book:
We are currently working on putting together a book that will be gifted to each Year 8 at the end of the year. The children have until Next Friday, Nov 1st, to get their memory writing done and to ask for a friend and a teacher to write a memory as well. Please check in with your child as to how they are going with this and encourage them to get their memory written in time. They also need to send to Nicky a photo of them as a 5 year old—huge thanks to the 40 people who have already sent in photos. 

Friday, 27 September 2024

Kauri Whanau Update: Term 3, Week 10


  • Inter-school Speech Competition
  • Koru Games
  • CPR Training
  • Happy Holidays!

Interschool Speech Competition:
Well done to Harriet Parawa (Y8) and Oscar Wood (Y7) who represented our Kura at the Inter-school speech comp held at St Martin's school last week.
A special congratulations to Oscar who won the Year 7 category, coming 1st place!

Koru Games:
What a wonderful three days half of our hub has had at Koru games. This year we entered teams in Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Hockey, Touch, and Kiorahi!
Thank you to the parents who were able to help out and support our kids doing what they love!

CPR Training:
A huge thanks to our Junior Neighbourhood support leaders Hayzel and Letta who organised CPR training for all of our Year 7 and 8 students. It was super fun and very informative.

Happy Holidays!
Finally, we wish everyone a safe and happy break. What a term! Full of wonderful learning experiences both in and outside of the classroom, also full of bugs and it is the longest term this year. We made it! Have a restful and well-deserved bit of family time and we look forward to seeing you back refreshed and rearing to go for Term 4.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Kauri whānau update: Term 3 Week 8


Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 8



  • Ski Day
  • School Speeches
  • Cashmere High Testing-Year 8
  • Tech on Monday
  • Contact Details
  • Phones at school

Ski Day!
We are sure you have heard all about it by now, what an amazing day we had. The sun was shining and there wasn't a whiff of wind anywhere. Many of our first timers made it up on the chair lift, which was impressive. 
Here are some pics, we are working on a video/movie to follow.

Kauri Speech Competitions:
We held our 2024 speech competition in the hall this week. Our judges Tim (one of our Teacher aides) and Jo (Principal) were really impressed with the level of persuasive speech writing and the students' delivery.
Well done to all who presented and to Oscar Wood (Y7) and Harriet Parawa (Y8) who are going through to the Inter-School competition at St Martins next week.

Cashmere HighTesting:

The testing for our Year 8 students' enrolled at Cashmere High for 2025 will be held at Cashmere High on the morning of Monday 23rd September. Any questions please contact the office at Cashmere High School.

Technology this week:
A reminder that we are heading to tech tomorrow-Monday 16th September instead of Tuesday, this is just for this week but means students need to arrive at school no later than 8:30am on Monday morning.

Contact Details:
Finally if any of your contact details have changed and need updating please contact the office and let them know.

Cell Phones at school:
Please fill in the form HERE if to let us know whether your child brings a phone to school everyday, sometimes or not at all. This is so we are able to collect them in from teh students' that we need to.