Literacy: This week we have launched into our literacy programme and we are pleased with how the children are responding. There is a large component of self-management in our literacy approach. For example, by lunchtime today each child needs to have completed two writing sessions of 30 mins and the weekly current events quiz. If this isn't completed on time the consequence is 30 mins at lunchtime catching up and if there is still work to complete, this will need to be done at home before Monday.
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On Monday we made and played with gloop and slime, as a motivation for writing. |
Swimming Sports: You should have received a newsletter about our School Swimming Sports two days ago. Entries will be taken today. Swimming Sports are on Wednesday morning, 26th Feb.
Leadership Camp: Year 8 Leadership Camp is just two weeks away, March 6th and 7th. A notice and medical form came home either yesterday or will come home today. Please complete the medical form and return it by Wednesday the 26th. Food donations can be sent in on the week of camp.
Home Learning: The first maths home learning is due this Friday. A couple of classes are now underway with Mathletics and the other two should be operational next week. SDLs (self directed learning) are nearly ready to go, these can also be worked on at home.
Responsibility: Leadership positions have been announced, trainings are underway and our leaders are stepping up. For those who are interested there will be jobs to do around the Twilight Fair later in the term. Congratulations to the following Year 8 leaders:
House Captains:
Fisher - Abigail & Cameron Waimea - Bryar & Nathan
Tennyson - Keiana & Dom Heathcote - Lucy R & Flynn
Student Council Exec:
Chairperson Claudia Secretary Melanie Treasurer Oscar L
From this week, the children are choosing their daily fitness options. |