In this post:
- House Games
- Memories
- Year 7 Leadership
- Athletics Day
- Whale Rider
- Uniform
- Sexuality Education
- Music Festival
- Fairy Doors
This week we shared a slideshow with the students that went through some of the things that they can look forward to working through this term. Please find this in PDF format here.
This term, we will be going through our Sexuality Education curriculum, using the Family Planning resource. There will be a parent information evening on Tuesday of Week 3 (Tuesday October 24th) for anyone who would like to know more about what this will involve. If you have any questions about this learning and can't make the meeting please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.
This week, Nicky discussed the yearbook with our Year 8 students. All children have begun writing their personal memory which needs to completed by next Friday. As this needs to be done in their own time, please check in with your child as to how they're going and what they're writing.
A big thank-you to all who have sent in 5-year-old photos. Please send them through to Nicky in the next week if you haven't already.
This term, students will be working on their Pepehā. Please chat with your child about any special affiliations of family connections. In particular, children will be needing to know their marae, waka, iwi, if they have those.
We have been incredibly fortunate to have Dave as our 24/7 worker in the Kauri Hub for quite some time, and he has had such a positive impact on so many of our tamariki. Next year we will have Andrew as our new 24/7 Youthworker, as Dave is finishing up his time with us. While we are sad to see Dave leave, we are excited to get to know Andrew, who will pop in a few times over this term to connect with the students and teachers.
The Centennial Touch Tournament at Pioneer kicked off this week, with a number of kids involved in teams. Jenny was there to see the action, and reported that there was a high degree of enthusiasm!