Wednesday 15 December 2021

Kauri Whānau Year 8 Photos

 Kia ora everyone,

It was lovely to hear so much positive feedback about our Leavers' Assembly yesterday. We are looking forward to getting the full video of the ceremony, including the songs that were cut during the live stream because of the youtube copywrite regulations. Once we have this, we will make it available to you.

Thanks to those who collected their yearbooks yesterday afternoon when they finally arrived. These can also be collected this morning. 

Below are some photos that were taken at the pool party and after the ceremony. If you would like a higher definition copy of one of the photos, please email Nicky.  We have also shared a folder on google drive with the children with many more photos. It is called 'leavers lunch 2021'. It would pay for the children to log in and access this before the end of the year when their accounts will be closed down. They can download these photos.

A huge thanks to the PTA for putting together a delicious lunch for our leavers'. The ice-cream sundae bar was a huge hit. Also thanks for setting up the photo frame; love those graphic design skills!

We have a table in the hub with some left-behinds. There are headphones, glasses, a leavers' certificate and a number of pencil cases. Collection today would be appreciated.

Safe and happy holidays everyone and all the best for a smooth start to high school. We always love seeing past students and they are welcome to drop by and visit next year, as levels allow.

Sunday 12 December 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 9

In this post:

  • Reminders
  • Celebrations 
  • Photo Gallery

End of year reminders:

  • The Year 8 pool and pizza party is on Monday between 4 and 6pm. No money required. The best way to get there is to park on Dyers Pass Road by Cashmere Primary and walk through the school, down past the tennis courts. Liz will put a sign by the back gate. The street address is 79 Dyers Pass Road. They have a lovely outdoor pool and also access to the school playground. 
  • Year 8 arrive at school at the normal time on Tuesday, dressed in their best clothes.
  • Graduation assembly live stream details have been sent out via Hero.
  • Year 8 finish school after lunch on Tuesday.
  • Year 7 are planning to have a water fun activity on Wednesday morning, weather permitting, and will finish school at 12:30.


It was fabulous to present so many Gold Leadership Awards at last Friday's assembly. Congratulations to Ilia, Brooklyn, Fern, Sophie R, Zara B, Nevannah,  Frances, Olive, Syesha, Mac, Ollie, Te Paea, Mila, JJ and Otis.

Technology Awards:

Food technology: Te Paea Huntley
Hard Materials Technology: Rory Price
Fabric Technology: Mac Evans
Digitech: Zoë Clarke

Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award: Zoë Clarke

It has been said that “a good leader is one who takes a little more than their share of the blame and a little less than their share of the credit.” This philosophy reflects the poise, determination and sheer humility our young leader possesses. 

 It is with great joy, and pleasure that we announce Zoë Clarke, as our young leader of the year. 

Zoë, you have a natural ability to lead alongside your peers making others feel valued, and appreciated and this sees you gaining widespread respect without ever having to demand it. Your warmth, kindness and inclusiveness puts trust in people to look to you as their leader, and you graciously step into this role everytime with ease. When others are in need you are consistently there, whether it is providing encouragement, lending a hand or sharing your wisdom, our kura knows they can count on you.  It is a privilege to watch your vibrance filter through in all the extra opportunities you take on, and we have no doubt that you will thrive as you step forward into your high school journey.

Norman Kirk Memorial Prize for Citizenship - Molly Arnott

Nau mai te wero: Molly, you are not afraid to go beyond your comfort zone. You give 110% to all that you do whether that is running cross country, performing at ShowQuest or solving a tricky maths problem. 

Mā tātou katoa te waka e hoe: Molly, you are a fabulous team player. In sports teams, as a leadernclusi and as a learner you have proved time and time again that you can work effectively in any group dynamic. No matter who is in your team, you are inclusive and you have their back. 

He taonga te ako: Molly, you consistently push yourself to learn and grow. You know that learning can, at times, be difficult and that it can take time. You willingly put in the hard yards and reap the rewards. 

Nā mātou he rerekē te ao: Molly, you are proactive in being the change that you want to see in the world. One example of this is when you created a weekly newsletter during lockdown to entertain, inform and uplift your community.

Arohina te tangata me te taiou: Molly, you are warm-hearted, gracious and considerate. The support, encouragement and kindness you give is not exclusive to a few but generously extended to everyone. 

Year 8 Kete Awards

'We Love Learning': Nevannah Ashworth

Nevannah, you encompass everything it is to be a successful learner. Recognised not only by your teachers, but by a vast majority of your peers, you contribute to all class discussions, you give 110% effort to all tasks, and you are diligent in seeking and applying feedback. We proudly acknowledge your huge gains in literacy this year and applaud the time you spent at home furthering your progress through reading and writing. Tu meke Nevannah!

'We Love Challenge': Cooper Reddecliffe

Cooper, whether it’s out on the sports field, inside the classroom or up on stage performing, you rise to the occasion every time and do so with positivity, courage and determination. Praised by many around you and recognised as a fantastic role model, you consistently lead others and approach tasks confidently while remaining humble. You stand to make sport an inclusive environment for all genders and do so by challenging the norms and getting involved in anything and everything. Keep igniting the spark within and never lose your passion and drive. 

'We Make a Difference': Andi Green and Emily Buckley 

Andi, you are a committed, outgoing person who supports causes that you are passionate about. You have been an important part of our Kauri’s Diversity Group, showing commitment, compassion and acceptance of those around them. You made a difference by writing a powerful speech, educating others about how important it is to be who you are no matter what others think. Mahi whakamataku 

Emily, you are a bubbly, kind, inclusive person who seeks to make a positive change in the world around you. You are actively involved in many fundraising events held around the school, doing your part for those in need and celebrating these causes for change. You go above and beyond to ease the load of others around you by lending a hand, encouraging and doing everything with a smile.  Continue to find the spark in others, and the world will shine back on you.  

'We Get There Together': Thomas Zinzan

Thomas, you have such a welcoming and kind nature. No matter who is in your group, you treat them with respect and value their input. Leading alongside your peers is your style and this supports others to give their best. Your inclusivity is recognised by so many around you and they appreciate your fun-loving personality especially the way you approach tasks with a big smile and ‘go-getter’ attitude. 

'We Care': Te Paea Huntley

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua! Care for the land, care for the people, go forward!  Te Paea, this whakatauki perfectly describes your approach to life. You are such a kind-hearted soul, extending deep and genuine care to the environment and people around you. You keep Māori tikanga principles at the forefront of your mind. You are always polite, always personable and so positive. Always be you! 

Te Whānau Mahi Tahi Performance:

Photo Gallery:

Lots of fun was had last week as the children learned about how sports and equipment are adapated to meet the needs of people with disabilities. the had a blast playing wheelchair rugby.

We had the perfect day for our trip to Corsair Bay.

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 8

We are nearly there! Only a few days to go. Please read the important details below. In this post:

  • Corsair Bay trip.
  • Year 8 pool and pizza party
  • Leaver's assembly
  • Year 7 final day and classes for 2022

Corsair Bay:

At the end of this post, there is a social story that we shared with the children today. It would be good to review this at home.

For this trip to Corsair Bay tomorrow (Thursday) your child needs:

  • to wear school uniform
  • sunhat
  • sunscreen
  • water bottle and lunch (they can arrange a shared lunch with friends, and this would need to be nut free)
  • mask for on the bus
  • togs and towel (best to wear togs under their uniform)
  • a warm jacket
  • optional: wetsuit, book, game (non-electronic), drawing book, sunglasses
Phones will be left at school. We will be leaving school at 11am and will be back by 3pm. 

Year 8 Pool and Pizza Party

On Monday Dec 13th we are hosting a pool and pizza party for our Year 8s. This will be held at Liz May's home in Cashmere. The best way to get there is to park on Dyers Pass Road by Cashmere Primary and walk through the school, down past the tennis courts. Liz will put a sign by the back gate. The street address is 79 Dyers Pass Road. They have a lovely outdoor pool and also access to the school playground. Drop off is at 4pm and pick up at 6pm sharp.

Leavers' assembly - check Hero for details.

Last day for Year 7

The Year 7s finish for the year at 12:40 on Wednesday, Dec 15th. That morning they will find out their classes for 2022. We have had a bit of a shuffle around and many will find that they are with a new home-group teacher and with a different group of children. Much thought has gone into putting groups together so that the children have at least one person they relate well with and that the combinations are as harmonious as possible. Throughout the week there are many times when the children work with different teachers and combinations of other children: maths, literacy, passions, technology, etc. We have been talking about embracing change positively at school and would appreciate you also setting your child up for success. 

We also plan to have some water play that morning, with a slip and slide and water fight. Togs, sunscreen and a water propelling device (drink bottles are great) would be the order of the day.

Tuesday 30 November 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 7

 In this post:

  • Film study in literacy
  • Relationships and sexuality
  • Corsair Bay trip, Thursday, December 9th.
  • Leavers Assembly
  • Celebrations

Film study in literacy

Jenny, Megan and Caitlin's literacy groups will be starting a film study tomorrow where they will be taking an in-depth look at cinematography elements, themes and characterisation. The films include Home Alone, Lion, and Soul Surfer. Each student has voted on which film study they would like to be a part of and the groupings will be decided as per their interests and a need to balance group sizes. If you have any questions or concerns about this study, please email through and we are available to discuss. 

Relationships and Sexuality

We are currently in the midst of the 'growing and changing' subtopic of our relationships and sexuality learning. This topic covers changes at puberty, conception and the reproductive systems. The next topic, which we will get into later this week or next week, is around keeping safe. This includes looking at the consequences of sexual activity and contraception, cyber-bullying, pornography and seeking support.

Corsair Bay Trip

Next Thursday (Dec 9) we are off to Corsair Bay for a day of fun. Children need to come to school in uniform.  We leave school at 11am and will be back by 3pm. Children are to bring with them:

  • Sunhat
  • Sunscreen
  • Swimming togs (wetsuits are optional)
  • Towel
  • Jacket
  • Water bottle
  • Lunch (children are welcome to arrange a shared lunch with friends if they would like to)
  • Picnic rug (optional)

Year 8 Leavers' Assembly

On Tuesday, December 14th we will be celebrating our Year 8s and their time at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto. This assembly will be live-streamed to whānau, starting at 11am. After the assembly, the PTA is putting on a lunch for our leavers.  Year 8s are to come to school in their tidiest clothes. School finishes for Year 8 after the luncheon. 


Last Friday at assembly we presented awards for art, music, ICT and Māori culture. Below are the citations for these awards. We also enjoyed listening to the ukelele group. Thanks to our media team who are capturing these presentations and performances on video so that they can be shared with whānau. 

Music: Luca Hume-McBeath

Luca, to watch you share your love of music with people around you, is to truly know you are in the presence of something special. Your ability to captivate your audience and create an atmosphere in which everyone can escape reality is second to none. It has been incredible to see your confidence in yourself grow as an artist and to watch you embrace the absolute rockstar that you are. Whether it’s a laid-back tune on the acoustic guitar, or belting out Nirvana on the electric guitar, the possibilities are endless for you and I can’t wait to see you continue to shine over the coming years. 

Art: Rosie Day and Otis Yeoman

Rosie, I speak on behalf of all of us when I say we were completely blown away by your Learn Create Share project this year. Through the design of your own comic book characters, you brought the book to life! Thank you for your contribution to our school community through your involvement in planning and designing our sports shed mural.  It is such a joy to see you evolving as an artist as you bring originality to your work through precise detail, intricacy and a sprinkling of beautiful colours. Continue to find beauty in the world around you as you inspire, explore and create. 

Otis, you are a talented artist. Whenever you have a pencil in your hand, your hand is driven to sketch and create. From realistic pencil portraits to comical characters, you apply observational skills and attention to detail to create awesome works of art. Your artwork has been published in Toi Toi and recognised in competitions. Most memorable of all is perhaps the Kobe Bryant portrait that was featured in Te Tai’s collaboration art piece for our last school fair. Your impromptu illustrations that accompany your group’s serial story each afternoon bring joy to many. 

ICT: Joshua Welch and Brooklyn Allan

Josh, it is so amazing to see you shine when it comes to using technology. You have willingly poured your time and effort into creating fantastic settings at our school which are enhanced by the use of ICT production. We loved watching you be so involved in our ShowQuest production and it was a highlight to see you in your element balancing the lights, volume and video; you were a superstar! You approach every task with a cool, calm and collected manner and your ability to problem-solve until everything is just right, is brilliant. 

Brooklyn, you are in your element when it comes to ICT. You reliably and efficiently set up the ICT systems for all manner of events. The number of times that you have come to the rescue and troubleshooted a problem that no one else could fix is far too many to quantify. Who can forget the NCEI meeting when the microphone wasn’t working. There was a hall full of adults but it was you who saved the day and got the technology working again. You were an integral part of our ShowQuest rehearsals and performances. Thank you for all your contributions to ICT at our kura. 

Te reo Māori: Jayda Taylor and Marcellus Scott


E kore te kūmara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka. The kūmara doesn't speak of its own sweetness. It doesn't need to!

You are without a doubt a leader by example. Your movements are graceful and full of meaning. Your face is expressive. Your voice is sweet and strong. Your mahi poi is phenomenal and your pukana would melt metal, yet you still retain graciousness and dignity in your role as a  rangatira in our rōpū. You lead by example, without needing to call attention to all the talent you have. This humbleness - hūmarie -  gives you such mana within our group and beyond.

Mana is something you only hold through your whakapapa and in how others see you, and you, Jayda, have it in spades. 

You are te hā ā kore mā ā kui mā - the breath of your tupuna.

Poho kererū mātou katoa i a koe e hine.



Passionate, enthusiastic, and bursting with energy, ideas and joy in your mahi kapa haka, you have enjoyed your role as leader in Te Whānau Mahitahi this year. 

As a leader you have been able to inspire others in many ways. 

Your head is full of possibilities and you show the rōpū that contributing our ideas is important. 

You completely engage yourself in haka, waiata, mau rākau, mahi poi and everything we do, and demonstrate to others the value of taking risks and learning by doing. What an asset this is - both as an inspiration for others, and for you as a person and a lifelong learner. 

Because of you, the confidence of others has grown. What an amazing gift Marcellus.

Ko Tu-mata-whāura koe.

Haere tonu e tama! Hoea te waka.

Saturday 20 November 2021

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 5

 In this post:

  • Coming up
  • Relationships and Sexuality
  • Top Team
  • Congratulations

Coming up:

We are down to the last three and a bit weeks of 2021 at school and it feels like the time is racing by! Here is a rundown on what lies ahead in the next few weeks.
Week 6:
  • Tuesday, Nov 23 and Thursday, Nov 25: Learning conferences. School will finish at 2pm on these days. See the school newsletter for details on booking a conference and after-school care.
Week 8:
  • Tuesday, Dec 7: the last technology session.
  • Thursday, Dec 9th: Corsair Bay trip. Many thanks to the parents who have signed up to help with this. If you would like to join us and have yet to fill in the form, click here.
Week 9:
  • Monday, December 13th: Year 8 pool and pizza party. Liz May has kindly offered us the use of their pool; we will send address details out the week before. This event runs from 4pm until 6pm.
  • Tuesday, Dec 14th: Year 8 Graduation. This year we will be live-streaming graduation as, due to Level 2 restrictions, parents sadly are unable to attend. Year 8s will finish school after lunch that will follow graduation.
  • Wednesday, December 15th will be the last morning for Year 1-7.
  • We are also organising two high school transition events for our Year 8s. Firstly, a 'high school hacks' session, with a group of Year 9s returning to share their advice. Near the end of the term, the 24/7 youth workers and a couple of ex-Beckenham seniors from Cashmere High will be hosting an afternoon of information and fun. 

Relationships and Sexuality:

Over the past two weeks we have been exploring relationships. Next week we finish this topic off and move on to 'growing and changing'. This topic includes discussing changes at puberty, the reproductive system and conception.

Top Team:

With so much canceled recently, due to Covid, it was exciting to be able to gather on the field to enjoy the fun and team spirit of Top Team. Many thanks to the parents and teens who helped with the running of this event. Check out the end of this post for photos and a movie.


Well done to our zone athletics team who competed last Monday at Hansen Park. See the newsletter for details about results and the exciting Year 7 relay race.

Over the past two Fridays, we have presented the literacy and drama Year 8 awards at our celebration assemblies. Below are the citations.

The Literacy Cup was jointly awarded to Fergus McMillian and Grace Howard. 

Fergus, any teacher who has ever taught you will know that wherever you are, there will undoubtedly be a book close at hand. There is being an avid reader and then there is being an avid reader to the Fergus Mcmillan degree. As a result, you have a deep understanding of what the reader needs and what makes writing effective. As a writer, you use your extensive vocabulary and creative mind to craft texts with the reader in mind. Your writing is deliberate, controlled and complex. I’m going to miss reading your stories next year. 

Grace, through your love of literature, you have acquired an extensive understanding of what it means to captivate an audience and what makes a truly successful writer. You have the ability to transport your reader to new worlds with your bank of rich vocabulary and your precise use of language features within your crafted texts. With these talents, you have been rewarded with incredible results, most notably through your participation in ‘The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition’ where you have been awarded with both silver and gold merits. Grace, you have a wonderfully sophisticated mind and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. 

The  Radcliffe Award for Special Contribution to Drama was jointly awarded to Syesha Mee and Jalori Mathias.

JJ, I have been so impressed with your leadership and maturity in helping lead your Theatre Sports team this year. You are so calm, cool and collected and have the patience of a saint. You have embraced your love for drama and music with your whole heart. You have sought opportunities outside of school to help you gain more skills with something you obviously love doing. You have the confidence and the drive to do great things JJ, so keep nurturing your ‘theatre wings’ and fly!

Syesha, you have been a committed member of Theatre Sports for two years. As a Year 7, you watched, learned all you could and developed your drama skills. As a Year 8, you helped lead a team, stayed 100% committed to our team and made all of us laugh with your offbeat characters. You always stepped up, Syesha, and because of that you will be an important part of any drama/theatre group that you are a part of in the future.  I will miss your leadership skills next year. Congratulations Syesha!