- Writers workshops
- EOTC-parent help
- Technology
Writers Workshops:
- Our Write On Saturday classes continue to expand with over 100 young writers attending each week. This might just be the thing that your keen young writers are looking for. For Years 4- 13.
- In July we will once again be running Winter Writing School with Kidsfest.
Thanks to all the parents who have offered to help on our upcoming school trips. These are happening on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th April.
If you have filled out the form indicating that you would like to help Sarah will be in contact over the Easter weekend. Thanks to those who have offered to come in a car as an emergency vehicle. Sarah will let you know if you will be doing this also. There will be more information coming to all next week.
Our seniors are loving their Tuesday's at Tech! Everyone is always so involved and there is a hum of productivity in the air when we walk around and check in with our students'. We are loving how proud our kids are feeling in showing us what they are creating and when they finish an item. Tu meke!
A reminder to all our whānau that the Home Group teachers are always happy to be contacted throughout the year if there is anything you would like to share or discuss about your child. The home/school relationship is important and communication plays a large part in this. So please see your child's Home Group teacher in the first instance.