In this post:
- Parent help needed for three events
- Events between now and the end of the school year for Year 7 & 8
- Year 8 info
- Congratulations
- Warm Fuzzies
Parent Help:
Kauri Calendar of Events:
- Tuesday, November 17: Year 8 photo and leadership group photos
- Thursday, November 19: 'Cantamath' style event at Cashmere Primary after school (info coming to families involved)
- Tuesday, November 24: Top Team on Beckenham Park
- Wednesday, November 25: Canterbury Triathlon
- Wednesday, December 2: Canterbury Athletics
- Thursday, December 10: Transition afternoon of fun for Year 8
- Friday, December 11: Corsair Bay trip, after final celebration assembly
- Monday, December 14: Walk up to Victoria Park
- Monday, December 14: Year 8 pool and pizza party
- Tuesday, December 15: Year 8 Graduation Assembly and lunch - Year 8 finish for the year after lunch
- Wednesday, December 16: School finishes at lunchtime for Year 1-7
Year 8:
In a few short weeks your Year 8 will be finished with primary school! Here is what you need to know.
- If you have yet to email Nicky a photo of your child as a 5-year-old, please do this ASAP
- Please click here for your invitation to the Year 8 Graduation
- We are organising two afternoons for Year 8. Soon we will meet with a group of Year 9s from a few different high school to put together a 'High School Hacks' session. There will also be a session with the 24/7 youth workers at Cashmere and Will Hanlon, head boy for 2021 (and ex Beckenham student). This will involve all students, no matter which school they are going to.
- Many thanks to the Cockfields for yet again hosting our Year 8 Pool and Pizza Party. This will be held on December 14th, between 4 and 6pm.
A huge congratulations to Ruby who is our Sir Peter Blake Young Leader for 2020. Here is the citation that was read at assembly last Friday:
“Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader, they set out to make a difference.”
This quote describes the 2020 recipient of the Sir Peter Blake Award to a tee. Their motivation is not to be the one up front but rather to encourage everyone to reach a common goal. Humility is a key quality in this person’s leadership style. This person consistently looks outside of themself, noticing the strengths and needs of others and working alongside them with compassion and empathy. Peers commented on their kindness, their ability to give everyone a voice and their inclusive nature. Ruby, you are a shining role model of what it takes to be a leader.
Well done to everyone who competed at the zone athletics on Monday. Special congratulations to those who qualified for the Canterbury Athletics event in December:
- Ava - 1st long jump
- Jonty - 1st long jump and 1st 60 m
- Grace M - 1st high jump
- JJ - 2nd 60 m
- Zoe C - 2nd high jump
- Lucky - 2nd 1200 m
A few warm fuzzies:
After some lovely feedback from Chris, our teaching assistant, we asked other staff what our Year 7 & 8 students have been doing to 'make a difference'. Here is what they said:
- On Wednesday morning I was with some amazing Y7's setting up the sprint track. They were working together and helping each other to get the job done. (Steve)
- I have been really aware of the increasing number of times in the last weeks, of our lovely Year 7/8s opening the door, and/or standing back, to let me through the door ahead of them. At times when I hold the door open for them I get lots of “thank you’s“ also. It may seem a small gesture, but it is greatly appreciated. I do love our kids! Thank you to all our lovely people! (Chris)
- I'd like to say that all of the sports monitors are very respectful when they come into the office. Their manners are top-notch, they are all so polite and reliable (Kerilea)
- I've had fantastic feedback from a number of the visitors who have had school tours recently ... well-spoken and polite. (Jacky)
- It is so cool how the children cheer for each other. Even after they are out, they stay and are fully invested in the competition. (Parent)
- We appreciate the way the Year 7 & 8s look out for the NE children. They idolise the 'big kids' and look to them as role models. They enjoy talking with them in the playground and love when they come in to help. We appreciate the way Kauri model the Kete Values so that our tamariki can learn what they look like in action. (Jo)
- I am super impressed with how many students personally thank me after each passion session. It makes me feel appreciated for the time I put in. Plus they are a fun group that listens really well. (Brad, Megan's husband)
- Every Yr7-8 student I encounter is always super kind and respectful, e.g. often holding a door open for me or happily picking up rubbish if I ask. They are all such stars! (Charlotte)
- Please can I add a comment about the Year 7 and 8's who cross the crossing and always say thank you to the road partol monitors - their manners and that simple 'thank you' makes a big difference for everyone involved. Also ..... I appreciate the way many Year 7 and 8 students greet staff as they move around the school. Many ask how we are and some even share little stories and interesting information, looking us in the eye and wearing a lovely smile too. It takes a lot of courage, maturity and thought to do this and makes a world of difference to staff. (Sue)
This 4 walled mural has been a huge undertaking and we are nearly finished.