We are very pleased with the way the children are continuing to focus on their learning as we near the end of the year. There is a lot on over the next two weeks. Please take note of the important details below.
Production: Court for Thought
Our show, 'Court for Thought' - which celebrates our inquiry learning - is coming together nicely. We are two days out from our performance for the school, on Friday. Yesterday, we talked with the children about what they need to wear. Please check this with your child and make sure they have these clothes with them tomorrow, Thursday, for our dress rehearsal. Some children still need to learn the lyrics for 'Big Yellow Taxi'.
These are online. All children sing this song. We would appreciate you checking how well they know these words and encourage them to go over these words tonight and tomorrow if needed.
This year, we are performing 'in the round' rather than on stage. This restricts our seating. It would help to know which night your whanau are planning to attend.
Please click here to fill out a quick form.
Jars Needed:
Please send along any jars with lids that you may be recycling or do not need at home. Jars of all sizes will be gratefully received. There is a collection box for these in the hub.
Monday December 10:
7pm start for first evening performance of 'Court for Thought'. Children need to be at school by 6:45pm.
Tuesday December 11:
Last day at technology, Christchurch South.
Wednesday December 12:
7pm start for final performance of 'Court for Thought'. Children need to be at school by 6:45pm.
Thursday December 13:
'Unveiling' of our community mural on the block wall by the ponds. This will happen at 2pm. Parents are welcome to attend if they would like to.
Friday December 14:
Final celebration assembly for the year, starting at 9:30. This will be followed by a helpers morning tea, from 10:30, for anyone who has helped out at school in some capacity this year.
Corsair Bay trip. We are hoping that summer returns properly by next Friday! Children are to come to school in uniform. They are to bring lunch and a water bottle (no orders this day), sunhat, sunscreen, togs and towel. If they have a wetsuit, they are welcome to bring this. They may also like to bring a picnic rug. Many thanks to Rory, Phillipa, Kate, George, Simon, Peter, Nicole, Rebecca, Anne and Henry who will be joining us on this trip. We will be leaving school at 11am and will return by 3pm.
Monday December 17:
Victoria Park walk. Children can wear mufti clothes suitable for walking to school on this day. They must have sunhat, sunscreen, inhaler if needed, lunch and water bottle, and be wearing suitable walking shoes. We will leave school soon after 10am and will be back by 3pm. Many thanks to Anne, Henry, Nicola, Bryan, Simon, Peter, Kate, Jane and Kathryn who will be joining us for this walk.
Year 8 Party: We would love to see all year 8 children at their leavers' party from 4 - 6pm. Bring your togs for a swim. There is also a basketball court to play on. Pizza and drink provided. 79 Dyers Pass Road
Tuesday December 18:
Rehearsal for graduation assembly in the morning.
Wednesday December 19:
Graduation assembly starts at 11am. Year 8 to arrive at school at the usual time, dressed in their best mufti. A lunch for Year 8s and their parents will follow assembly at 12:30. By 1:15 all Year 8s should be on their way home. They will be finished for the year.
Thursday December 20:
Final day for Year 1- 7. School closes at 12:30
Friday December 21:
Yeehaaa, holidays begin.
A few photos from the last week or two...
Debate practice run. |
One of our three teams in action on Monday night. Over the two nights of debating, our teams won four debates and lost two. We were very proud of all of them.
We love Thursday afternoons! |