Friday 8 December 2023

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 9

 In this post:

  • Production Key Reminders
  • EOTC in Week 10
  • Pool Party
  • Uniform Reminder
  • Relationships and Sexuality
  • Week 10 Overview

Production Reminders

We had our dress rehearsals this week, including one on Thursday afternoon to the whole school. The performance is continuing to look great, and we look forward to sharing it with whānau and friends on Monday and Tuesday evening next week. Key points to note are as follows:
  • There will be two performances, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December. Both start at 7pm.
  • Entry is by gold coin donation at the door.
  • The sound and lighting team will need to be at school for setup by 6.30pm.
  • All other students need to be in the hub, in costume and having been fed by 6.40pm.

EOTC in Week 10

Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required. On Monday we will send out a social story that we will have shared with the students. It would be good to review this at home.

For this trip children will need:
  • Sunhat
  • Sunscreen
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle and lunch
  • Good walking shoes
  • A warm jacket or raincoat
    Activewear can also be worn instead of uniform on Wednesday.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested. On Monday we will send out a social story that we will have shared with the students. It would be good to review this at home.

    For this trip children will need:
    • To wear school uniform
    • Sunhat
    • Sunscreen
    • Water bottle and lunch (they can arrange a shared lunch with friends, and this would need to be nut free)
    • Togs and towel (best to wear togs under their uniform)
    • A warm jacket
    • Optional: wetsuit, book, game (non-electronic), drawing book, sunglasses
    Phones will be left at school. We will be leaving school at 11am and will be back by 3pm. 

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Year 8 Pool Party

    We have booked Waltham Pool and two BBQ spots for Wednesday from 4.00 - 6.00pm for our Year 8 pool party. Children are to bring a water bottle (no fizzy drinks), their togs, towel, sunhat, and sunscreen. We will provide the sausages, bread, and sauce alongside various alternate dietary options.
    If we are not contacted, we will assume that children are being collected at 6pm. If other arrangements are made, please let the homegroup teacher know.

    The cost of entry to the pool is $2, and it is an additional $2 for the hydroslide. A teacher will collect this from students on entry.

    Uniform Reminder

    For the last full week of school, we would like to remind all students to keep their uniform and senior jackets in pristine condition. Year 8s might like to bring a spare school shirt to have signed by their peers. This is not to be worn. Students also need to provide their own pen for signing.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    This week, the homegroups have been talking about intimacy and what this means within the context of different relationships (friends, family, romantic). Some groups have discussed consent and what this means. We also have had an activity which has discussed same and different gender relationships. We have also covered some discussion around communication modes and styles. Finally, some groups have also covered the changes that happen at puberty.

    As always, if you have any questions please contact the homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Week 10 Overview

    Monday 11th - Production performance (7pm)
    Monday 12th - Technology, Production performance (7pm)
    Wednesday 13th - Victoria Park Walk, Year 8 Pool Party
    Thursday 14th - Cass Bay Trip
    Friday 15th - Final celebration assembly

    Friday 1 December 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 8

    In this post:

    • Cass Bay Trip
    • Pool Party
    • Production Key Points
    • Relationships and Sexuality
    • Week 10 Overview
    • Staff vs Students Basketball

    Cass Bay Trip

    On Thursday December 14th (Week 10) we are hoping to go to Cass Bay. We still need more helpers for this event to go forward, and helpers who are willing to be out on the water for some of the day. If you are able, please sign up via this google form as soon as possible. These events are not possible without the support of whānau.

    Pool Party

    We have not had any volunteers to host the Year 8 Pool Party on Wednesday December 13th from 4pm to 6pm, and so have made the decision to take the event to Waltham Pool. Students will need to pay the cost of entry and hydroslide. We will be in touch with Waltham to confirm the price per student.

    Production Overview

    We had our first full run throughs of the production this week, and things are looking great! Key points for whānau to note are as follows:
    • There will be two performances, Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December. Both start at 7pm.
    • Entry is by gold coin donation at the door.
    • The sound and lighting team will need to be at school for setup by 6.30pm.
    • All other students need to be in the hub, in costume and having been fed by 6.40pm.
    • Please see our previous blog post for details about costumes. Most will be in black pants and a colourful top. We don't want whānau spending money on this, so please get in touch if you need assistance.
    • Our dress rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon this coming week. Our Thursday performance will be in front of the school. Students will need their costumes at school on Wednesday.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    This week, the homegroups have been talking about intimacy and what this means within the context of different relationships (friends, family, romantic). Some groups have discussed consent and what this means. We also have had an activity which has discussed same and different gender relationships. We have also covered some discussion around communication modes and styles. As always, if you have any questions please contact the homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Week 10 Overview

    Monday 11th - Production performance (7pm)
    Monday 12th - Technology, Production performance (7pm)
    Wednesday 13th - Victoria Park Walk, Year 8 Pool Party
    Thursday 14th - Cass Bay Trip
    Friday 15th - Final celebration assembly

    Staff vs Students Basketball

    On Wednesday this week, the students organised a game of basketball between Year 8s and willing teachers. It was a well-attended game and while both teams competed strongly, The teachers managed to steal the win on this occasion!

    Friday 24 November 2023

    Kauri Whanau Update: Term 4, Week 7

     In this post:

    • Production
    • Pool party
    • Leavers assembly
    • Parent Help Needed
    • Relationships and Sexuality
    • Ski Day Video

    We're inching ever closer to the end of the term, and while this can often be a tricky time of the year with learners (and teachers) tired and ready for a break, the Kauri team is enjoying the vibe we currently have in our hub. So many students are demonstrating our school values and are enthusiastically engaging with the learning taking place throughout the week.


    If you need a reminder, see the previous blog post for a reminder about costume requirements for each production group.

    Please make sure that you have the two performance nights (Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December) blocked out already so all students are able to take part - we can't get there together without everyone!

    Pool Party

    We are still on the lookout for someone who would be able to host our low-key pool party for Year 8s on on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. If you are able to help with this, either because you have a pool or would like to volunteer someone else's pool, please get in touch.

    Leaver's Assembly

    Thank you to the Year 8 whānau who have already RSVP'd via this google form. Please fill this out as soon as possible if you have not done so. We have limited capacity in the hall, which is why we invite up to two people to support our leavers on the day. Some whānau may need than two people. If this is the case, please get in touch with Thomas directly; We need to keep a close eye on the numbers to ensure everyone can fit in the hall so ākonga are able to be represented and supported.

    Parent Help Needed

    Thank you to those who have offered to help on our Cass Bay and/or Victoria Park outings. We still need a few more volunteers in order to make sure these events can go ahead. These two days are for all Year 7 and 8 students, and are always a really great time for all. Please fill in this form to indicate how you can help.

    Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

    This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Relationships and Sexuality

    We have completed the "Who Am I?" section of the curriculum, which looked at identity and stereotypes. We have discussed relationships in light of the different types of relationships we have and the qualities that we value in different relationships. We are also discussing through intimacy and consent at the moment. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher.

    Ski Day Video

    Despite our very best efforts, we have been unable to share the video in a school assembly of the fantastic day we enjoyed last term up at Mount Hutt. The media team have done a fantastic job of putting together a reflection of the day, and on the off-chance you missed it last time, it's attached below for all to enjoy!

    Saturday 18 November 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 6

    In this post:

    • Production Costumes
    • Year 8 Pool Party
    • Parent help: Cass Bay & Vic Park
    • Graduation RSVP
    • Cashmere High School Whānau Hui
    • Relationships and Sexuality Education

    Production Costumes

    Our aim is to keep costumes for the production simple and effective. We have chosen a colour scheme that reflects the original illustrations of Oh The Places You'll Go. It is our hope that whānau can source costumes from clothes that children already have, can borrow, or can cheaply buy. We also have a large collection of clothes from previous productions, and so may be able to help out if needed. If you get stuck or have any questions, please let us know.

    Students taking part in the dramatic speaking group will wear block colour shorts, and will be making Dr Seuss "Thing" characters at school to pin onto their tops. They can wear black shorts/pants and will have crazy "Thing" hair, so either a wig or crazy hairstyle will do.

    Students who are part of the singing group will be wearing a plain pastel-coloured top with black pants.

    Students who are part of the Geometric Dance group will be wearing a black short-sleeved top or singlet and black leggings, shorts, or trousers.

    The Giant and Lovely dance group will be wearing pastel shades and colours as much as possible, though white would also be fine. This should be a plain t-shirt or singlet and leggings, shorts or trousers.

    The students who are supporting with sound and lighting will be wearing black or similarly dark colours.

    Pool Party

    It has become one of our traditions to have a low key pool party for our Year 8s one afternoon in the last week of school. We organise pizza and drinks along with games. We are hoping for it to take place in Week 10, on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. It is optional for children to attend. Those that are there need to be picked up at 6pm, or teachers notified that they are walking home.

    Each year this has taken place, it has been generously hosted by school whānau. Is there anyone with a suitable property who would be willing to host this year?y

    Parent Help Needed

    We have two outdoor education events planned for this term and will require parent help for them to go ahead. Please fill in this form to indicate where you can help.

    Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk

    This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.

    Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip

    We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.

    Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.

    Graduation Invitation

    On Monday December 18th, in just over a month, our Year 8 students will be completing their primary and intermediate education. We would like to warmly invite whānau to their graduation assembly. Please click this link for the invitation and to RSVP.

    Cashmere High School Whānau Hui

    Cashmere High School has formally invited our Ākonga Māori and their whānau to attend the CHS Year 8 hui to welcome them to their kura. It's a great opportunity to meet some of the CHS ākonga and kaiako before they are welcomed with a pōwhiri next year. 

    Date/Time: On Thursday 30th November at 5:30pm
    Where: Wharenui, Cashmere High School

    Relationships and Sexuality Education

    We will be keeping you informed as we work our way through the Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum on the content of our lessons.

    Our first session focused on creating shared expectations for these lessons. The children identified what would make them feel safe during these conversations, which included sentiments such as respecting everyone’s contributions and questions, laughing along with someone, not at them, and being mindful of your own boundaries and the boundaries of others. 

    Rights and Responsibilities

    We reflected on how our rights and responsibilities changed as we matured. The children thought about what rights and responsibilities they would have in the future and how some of these would occur automatically while others would occur according to individual readiness. 


    In these sessions we identified the different stereotypes that we see in society today and how these have changed over time. We also looked at how stereotypes may be reinforced in the media and how these are being broken down. We talked about the influences that stereotypes have on people's lives and how can can stand up to these and be our own person. 

    If you have any questions about anything that's been covered so far in Relationships and Sexuality Education, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Friday 10 November 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 5

    In this post:

    • Production dates
    • Zones Day
    • Navigating the Journey
    • Year 8 Leadership
    • Mountain biking photos

    Production Dates

    Make sure you have Monday and Tuesday of Week 10 marked in your diaries for the Kauri Production: "Oh The Places You'll Go". That's December the 11th and 12th. Tamariki are working hard at dance, drama, music, percussion, and set-making and will continue to do so for the next few weeks.

    Zones Day

    Thanks Jenny for organising and getting all the kids to Zones Hansens Park. It was great to hear how well our tamariki did with supporting one another and being self-organised to get to and between events. Congratulations to everyone who took part!

    Navigating the Journey

    This week in Relationships and Sexuality education we discussed rights and responsibilities and how this changes over time as we get older. We also began chatting through identity, especially the difference between your sex and your gender. Please chat with your kids about this and touch base with their homegroup teacher if you have any questions.

    Year 8 Leadership 2024

    Thank you to all the students who applied for leadership roles next year. We are excited to announce the following:

    Student Council Executive
    Chairperson:    Harriet
    Secretary:        William
    Treasurer:        Lewis

    Sports Leaders
    Harvey, Harper, Clementine, Jaiden

    House Captains
    Heathcote:    Ollie, Hayzel
    Tennyson:    Finn, Isabella
    Waimea:       Austin, Bonnie
    Fisher:          Corry, Annabelle

    House Deputies
    Heathcote:    Sharni, Charlie
    Tennyson:    Jack, Ashleigh
    Waimea:       Alex, Alex
    Fisher:          Briana, Spencer

    Passions: Mountain Biking

    This term, Jenny is running a Mountain Biking passions with a number of students and parents. They had a wonderful time last week at Halswell Quarry.

    Friday 27 October 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4, Week 3

     In this post:

    • House Games
    • Memories
    • Year 7 Leadership
    • Athletics Day
    • Whale Rider
    • Uniform
    • Sexuality Education
    • Music Festival
    • Fairy Doors

    House Games

    This Monday afternoon we have House Games. Students are encouraged to wear their house shirts for this. We're looking forward to seeing what the House Captains and Deputies have organised!

    Year 8 Photos and Memories

    We are missing at least 15 five-year-old photos which need to be sent through to Nicky this weekend. There are also a few memories that need to be written. Please remind tamariki to check whether they have a friend memory to write and if they've written it. If these are not done over the weekend it is likely that they will unfortunately be missed out of the Yearbook.

    Year 7 Leadership

    We talked through the google form application for Leadership positions in 2024. This is due at the end of next week (Friday Nov. 3rd), but if ākonga are interested in any of the positions, they will should chat with whānau as part of their application process.

    Athletics Day

    We had a fantastic day on Thursday with tamariki engaging with the challenge and fun that comes with Athletics Day. Our awesome seniors, alongside whānau, efficiently helped with the setup and packdown and we appreciate the extra time and effort put in to support this day. 

    The final event for our Year 5 to 8 students is Long Jump, which is optional and will take place at Hillview Christian School after lunch this Tuesday afternoon. If you are able to help run this event, please get in touch with Jenny.

    We are underway for our Term 4 Passions. Here are some photos from the fairy doors passion where they are using tiles to mosaic doors. 

    Whale Rider

    We are coming to the end of a novel study of Witi Ihimaera's The Whale Rider for three of our Literacy classes have been working through, and to wrap it up we will be watching the 2002 movie which is based on the book. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Thomas in the first instance. You can see more about the movie via the Common Sense Media page.

    Uniform Reminder

    Over the weekend and through the next week, please check you child's uniform as uniform that is defaced is no longer correct uniform. This particularly seems to be an issue with hats. We will be keeping an eye out and will email whānau if needed.

    Sexuality Education

    In lieu of the parent information evening planned for after school on Tuesday which did not go ahead, please see the attached slideshow. If you have any questions about the teaching and learning that will take place over the next few weeks as part of this curriculum, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Music Festival

    On Friday evening next week our Year 5 to 8 choir will be performing in the Town Hall as part of the Christchurch School's Music Festival. We wish them all the best for this, and are sure they will do an excellent job given all the hard work they've put in during practices. Extra  best wishes to Isabelle P and Freyja S who will be performing every evening of the festival as part of the Concert Band and Senior Representative Choir, respectively.

    Fairy Doors

    We were thrilled that the men from the St Martins Menzshed cut, sanded, painted, and hinged the basis for our fairy doors, which is one of our current Friday afternoon passions groups. Many thanks to the people who supplied baking for our thank you gift. While it all looked delicious, we can assure you that it did end up in the right hands! You can see some of the work that has begun on the fairy doors in the photos below.

    Friday 13 October 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 4 Week 1

    In this post:

    • Coming up in Term 4
    • Navigating the Journey
    • Year 8 Memories
    • Pepehā
    • 24/7 changeover
    • Touch Rugby

    Coming up in Term 4

    This week we shared a slideshow with the students that went through some of the things that they can look forward to working through this term. Please find this in PDF format here.

    Navigating the Journey

    This term, we will be going through our Sexuality Education curriculum, using the Family Planning resource. There will be a parent information evening on Tuesday of Week 3 (Tuesday October 24th) for anyone who would like to know more about what this will involve. If you have any questions about this learning and can't make the meeting please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher in the first instance.

    Year 8 Memories

    This week, Nicky discussed the yearbook with our Year 8 students. All children have begun writing their personal memory which needs to completed by next Friday. As this needs to be done in their own time, please check in with your child as to how they're going and what they're writing. 

    A big thank-you to all who have sent in 5-year-old photos. Please send them through to Nicky in the next week if you haven't already. 


    This term, students will be working on their Pepehā. Please chat with your child about any special affiliations of family connections. In particular, children will be needing to know their marae, waka, iwi, if they have those.

    24/7 Changeover

    We have been incredibly fortunate to have Dave as our 24/7 worker in the Kauri Hub for quite some time, and he has had such a positive impact on so many of our tamariki. Next year we will have Andrew as our new 24/7 Youthworker, as Dave is finishing up his time with us. While we are sad to see Dave leave, we are excited to get to know Andrew, who will pop in a few times over this term to connect with the students and teachers.

    Touch Rugby

    The Centennial Touch Tournament at Pioneer kicked off this week, with a number of kids involved in teams. Jenny was there to see the action, and reported that there was a high degree of enthusiasm!

    Friday 22 September 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 10

     In this post:

    • Term 3 Reflection
    • Kauri Museum Exhibition
    • Koru Games
    • Beckenham Talent Show
    • Looking ahead

    Term 3 Reflection

    What an action-packed term! We've managed to squeeze so many varied learning opportunities - from novel studies in literacy to ski day up at Mount Hutt, from Koru Games to learning about Pacific navigation and Waka building. We think everyone has earned a good rest, and hope you all manage to rest recharge safely over the next two weeks.

    Kauri Museum Exhibition

    Today (Friday), while the students were off at Christchurch South Intermediate for Technology, the rest of the school came through to see our Waka Hourua creations. The reaction from teachers and students was all positive - there was so much praise for everything that had been made.

    Koru Games

    We really enjoyed hearing about the efforts of our students at Koru games this week. There was a lot of incredible sporting skill on show, and all our students represent our school values. Please see the school newsletter for a full rundown of the week.

    Beckenham Talent Show

    We finished our term with the return of the school talent show. There were tremendous acts from across the school, and from Kauri we had Harriet playing a wonderful rendition of Grieg's In The Hall of the Mountain King and Ella T salsa-ing up a storm. Hamish did a great job as one of two MCs, and the IT crew did a great job of making sure everything went off without any technical glitches. A big thank you to the student council and Nicky for organising and putting on such a wonderful event.

    Looking Ahead

    Term 4 is set to be another busy term, but we look forward to more sunshine and warmer weather. Please make sure that all students have hats ahead of Term 4 and that they apply sunscreen before coming to school. We also announced to the team this afternoon that our big focus next term will be a production, which they seemed quite excited by. We look forward to telling them more about it next term!

    Have a safe and restful break!

    Saturday 16 September 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 9

    In this post:

    • Ski Day video
    • Koru Games
    • Waka Hourua
    • Innovation Expo Winners
    • Year 8 Photos

    Ski Day Video

    Thank you to everyone who made our Ski Day in Week 7 such an outstanding success for all. Thanks to the media team who put together the following highlights video of the day:

    Koru Games

    On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this coming week, 50 Kauri students will head off each day to the Selwyn Sports Centre in Rolleston compete in Basketball, Touch Rugby, Kī-o-Rahi, Ultimate Frisbee, and Hockey.

    Our students have been really committed to their training sessions throughout the last few weeks, and we've been very grateful for parents who have volunteered their time to coach teams in the lead up to the event. A big thank you in advance to the parent volunteers who will be in attendance next week as well. 

    If you have any questions ahead of this event, please check the notices sent out by Jenny via Hero, or email her directly.

    Waka Hourua Inquiry

    The hub has been a hive of creative energy this week as students have worked collaboratively to create their model replicas of traditional ocean-going waka hourua.

    Alongside the construction component, students have been tasked with putting together a blurb that supports their model by explaining about the vessel, pacific navigation, and polynesian migration. Some students may need to spend time finishing off this written element over the weekend, and others may need to revisit their work to ensure it's entirely original - we would like to ensure that plagiarism is avoided.

    Innovation Expo Winners

    You may have seen on the school newsletter that one of our three teams that participated in the Build Ōtautahi: Minecraft Build Challenge at Te Pae's Innovation Expo was the overall winner of their group. All three teams of four students did an excellent job of using Minecraft to design sustainable structures for vacant city centre lots within the 60-minute timeframe. Many thanks to the parents for supporting this opportunity for our ākonga.

    Year 8 Photos

    It's the time of year where the teachers begin planning for all the end of year celebratory bits and bobs. If you are a parent of a current Year 8 student, can you please email through to Nicky a photo of your child either on their first day of school, or as a five-year-old.

    Friday 1 September 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3 Week 7

     In this post:

    • Ski trip
    • Choice 
    • Playground
    • Save the Date Year 8
    • Passions

    Ski Trip

    A huge thanks to our fabulous parent crew who supported all of our tamariki to have a fabulous day on the snow. Despite the soggy start at school, we were greeted by calm blue skies when we arrived. The children were fabulous. They followed all of the instructions that were drilled into them before we left, enabling the day to flow smoothly. So many children made so much progress; we were super proud of their achievements and attitude. We have a huge collection of photos which the children can access from home to show you. The media team are also working on a video which we will share soon. 


    This week each homeroom had two sessions with Constable Meg as part of our teaching and learning around making positive choices around drug use. The children have been learning about the different levels of harm that can be caused by drug abuse and the laws and regulations that exist in our country. The children approached this learning with maturity and posed lots of questions for Constable Meg to answer. Constable Meg encouraged the children to talk openly about what they had been learning with whānau.

    Another key message from Constable Meg was about how to react if friends were doing something that they felt was unsafe or could become unsafe: get yourself away from the situation. We know that as children enter their preeteen and teenage years, the perception of what your peers think of you has a huge impact on behaviour and that walking away from your friends takes a lot of courage. We thought we would share a useful strategy with you that you can set up with your child to help them make positive choices when with their friends. How it works is that you agree upon a code word between you and your child. This could be anything from 'bananas' to just an 'x'. If your child is ever in a situation where they feel uncomfortable, they text you the code word. On receiving this text, the parent calls their child and says that they need to pick them up and bring them home. The child can outwardly express their disappointment or frustration about this and save face in front of their friends. We thought that this was a strategy that might come in handy at some point during your child's journey into adulthood. 


    Happy first day of Spring! We have been loving this wonderful weather this week and want to make a special mention of all the great lunchtime activities that have been happening. Many students have been playing football with the younger kids and lots of Koru games practises have been happening. We'd love to see this enthusiasm for active play continue. 

    Save the Date Year 8

    If your child is off to Cashmere High next year, you will want to mark the evening of Wednesday, September 13th from 6pm in your diary. That is the evening that Beckenham Whānau are invited to Cahsmere High to meet with the principal and have your questions answered. More details will be coming to you directly from Cashmere.


    We are fully into the swing of our Friday afternoon passions for Term 3. It has been wonderful having Kate Allan come in to take a coding passion. Here are some photos from our 'paper mache clocks' and 'clay' passions. Lots of wonderful learning and fun being had! 

    Friday 18 August 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 5

     In this post:

    • Choices & Keeping Ourselves Safe
    • Cybersafety
    • Cantamath
    • Ski Day
    • Duathlon
    • Speech Finalists
    • DigiFest

    Choices & Keeping Ourselves Safe

    Next week, we will begin teaching Choices and Keeping Ourselves Safe, two programmes from the New Zealand Police. These lessons will be taught by your child's homegroup teacher, with support from Constable Meg Moynihan, our local Police School Community Officer and will continue through to the end of Term 3.

    What will children and young people learn?

    1. What do I know and what do I need to know about drugs?

    Students will identify what they know about drugs, what they don't know about drugs, and what they need to learn to keep themselves and their friends safe from drug misuse.

    2. Drugs and the law

    Students learn what a drug is, the different classes of drug and the harm caused by illegal drugs. Students explore the consequences of drug misuse and penalties.

    3. The good, the bad and the ugly

    Students explore the difference between drug use and misuse. They consider safe guidelines for drug use and consider the effects that bad choices about drugs may have on a positive life path.

    4. Finding out about abuse

    Students need to be aware of what constitutes abuse so that they can recognise if they are being abused and know how to create a safe classroom.

    5. Reporting abuse

    When abuse is reported, the abuser is stopped and the healing process can begin for the victim. Students learn why it is important to report abuse and to know who, and how, to tell.

    What part do parents, caregivers and whānau play?

    Parents and whānau are strongly encouraged to support Keeping Ourselves Safe. You can also talk with your child about what they have learnt in Keeping Ourselves Safe and help them with any KOS activities they bring home. Visit the whānau section of the NZ Police Keeping Ourselves Safe website for more information and frequently asked questions.

    If you require more information about the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme or wish to discuss the learning, please speak with your child’s homegroup teacher in the first instance.


    During our PB4L sessions through the last couple of weeks we've spent time discussing online safety and how to respond when things go wrong. We have reiterated that with social media, the first and best thing to do is to block and report any objectionable content or accounts. Students and whānau can also make a report to Netsafe via this link who we have found have been very quick to respond to any issues.


    The Kauri teachers have loved seeing all the completed Cantamath projects, and thank you to all the whānau who came by to see this year's exhibition. We spent a good while going through them all to make sure we were putting the best ones forward as finalists. If you're interested in viewing the finalists, they are on display at Wolfbrook Arena (formerly Christchurch Arena) on Wednesday 23rd August, from 9.00am to 8.30pm. Please note that no students are permitted at the Wolfbrook Arena on the Tuesday afternoon while judging takes place.

    The Cantamath Team competition will take place on Wednesday afternoon at the Wolfbrook Arena. Good luck to our Year 7 and Year 8 teams!

    Ski Day

    Our trip to Mount Hutt is rapidly approaching, and this week as part of our preparations we shared this social story with students. Please make sure you go through it at home with the children, especially as some may have been away.


    Helpers are still needed to make sure this event can go ahead. Please contact Jenny is you are able to support on afternoon of Wednesday, August 23rd.

    Speech Presentations and Finalists

    This week students have been presenting their persuasive speeches to teachers and peers. The Kauri Hub Final will take place on Thursday August 24th from 9.15am in the school hall, and parents are welcome to attend. After deliberating and discussing at length, the following finalists were selected:

    Year 7: Bobby, Finn, Harriet, Ollie, Alex Mu.
    Year 8: Christopher, Cian, Dan, Ella C, Ella T, Leo, Scarlett

    We understand that some students might find the prospect of presenting their speech in this context particularly daunting, and encourage them to speak with their homegroup teacher if this is the case.


    On Tuesday last week, three groups of four students headed to St Mark's School to participate in a learning experience which combined Aotearoa New Zealand Histories with Digital Technologies. Students were taught about the innovations of Ruapekapeka Pa, a gunfighter Pa from the musket wars. As part of this, they took a virtual tour of the site before taking on the challenge of planning and creating their own version using Minecraft Education Edition.

    Friday 4 August 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 3

    In this post:

    • Tech expectations
    • Ski Google Form
    • Koru Games
    • Cantamath projects
    • Beckamath
    • Calendar Art

    Tech on Tuesday

    We've noticed that recently students are arriving late on Tuesday mornings. In order to get to Christchurch South Intermediate on time for Technology, students need to be at school for the roll at 8.30am exactly. Those that arrive late risk not being marked present, or may miss the bus entirely. As the Kauri teachers are on classroom release, they are not available to supervise any students who are late to school. Students will be given work to do and will be supervised either in the office or in another hub for the morning.

    Ski Day

    Thanks to all whānau who have filled in the google form for Ski Day. If you have not yet, please do so as soon as possible so we can organise gear for any students who may need it. You can find the google form here.

    Koru Games

    Jenny is looking for volunteers to take the Hockey team on Wednesday September 20th at Koru Games. If you are willing and able to help out, please email her.

    Cantamath Projects

    Thank you to all students and whānau that brought in their Cantamath projects - they all look fantastic. We will still be accepting submissions on Monday, so don't panic if you were away or are still hurriedly finishing things off! 


    Last week we held our annual Beckamath competition. Students worked in teams of four to answer problem solving maths questions the fastest. It was an excellent afternoon of competitive maths and running.

    Many thanks to Nicky for organising the questions, Nick for running the technology, and the Year 6 students who did an excellent job as markers.

    Calendar Art

    There are some amazing works of art that have been produced over the last three weeks. Ending our days with quiet art time has been a lovely way to start the term!

    Friday 21 July 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 1

    Welcome back! We hope you have all had a restful break, and that the first week back hasn't been too much like hard work for the tamariki. We've enjoyed reconnecting and hearing what great things they've been up to over the break.

    In this post:

    • Jenny Returns
    • Cantamath Reminder
    • Speeches
    • Koru Games
    • Pyjama Day
    • Bridie surname update
    • Writing extension opportunities

    Jenny Returns

    This week we welcomed Jenny back to the Kauri Hub. Jenny has been suitably refreshed from her time away, and has had a great first week reconnecting with the Year 8s and meeting the Year 7s.

    Cantamath Reminder

    By now, children should be underway with their project. Please chat with your child to see where they're at, and give them a gentle nudge if they haven't started yet.

    If they're still struggling to come up with ideas, please remind them about the example slideshow on the Kauri Hub google classroom and chat through the categories which can be seen on the notice that went home in paper copy and via Hero.

    Please also feel free to email homeroom teachers by Monday so we can catch up with them as well.


    We are currently teaching persuasive writing in Literacy and  working towards presenting speeches in Week 5.

    Some students will be in their element, while other may find the prospect of speaking in front of their peers less appealing. Please check in and see how your child is feeling and encourage them to discuss with their Homeroom or Literacy teacher if they have any worries. We want to ensure that all students feel successful and are appropriately challenged, however this may look.

    Koru Games

    Jenny is seeking enthusiastic parents to support and/or coach for Koru Games on the 19th to 21st of September. The sports we hope to enter are Touch Rugby, Ki O Rahi, Basketball, Hockey, and Ultimate Frisbee. Please email her if you are able to take part, or if you know someone who might be interested.

    Pyjama Day

    It was amazing to see the range of designs possible on an oodie on Wednesday. Many of the students were so comfortable in their learning, that maybe should consider a oodie uniform option! We had a really positive feedback from the City Mission when our student leaders took in the donation of cans - thank you to everyone that contributed towards this.

    Bridie Surname Update

    Please note that Bridie's email address has been updated to reflect her new married name. Please get in contact with her via

    Writing Extension Opportunities

    Write On School for Young Writers is offering the following opportunities in Term 3:

    • Antarctica VR + Real Writing:  August 4th in Rangiora
    • Nth Power Poetry:  August 11th in Rolleston
    • Songwriting: August 18th at Tūranga in Christchurch
    • Super Senses: Sept 1 at Tūranga in Christchurch
    • Write for the Ears podcasting: Sept 8 in Rangiora
    • From Beginning to End: Sept 15th in Rolleston

    You can find out more via their website.

    Friday 30 June 2023

    Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Week 10

     In this post:

    • Farewell Sarah
    • Cantamath project
    • Basketball South Zones
    • Wheelchair Rugby (video)
    • Term 2 highlights video

    Farewell Sarah

    We've been incredibly lucky to have Sarah teaching in our hub over the first two terms of this year. Thank you to all the students who wrote kind messages in the card we presented as a hub, and thank you to Te Whānau Mahitahi for "Sarah-nading" her in our farewell hui with a waiata and a haka. While we will miss her, we know she won't far as she is joining Koru and starting a new entrants class next term.

    We are also excited to welcome back Jenny and hear about her adventures over the first half of this year!


    Next term, children will be given three weeks to complete a maths project, and while we will help with ideas if needed, children will need to complete the project at home. Please have a look through this slideshow to learn more. We will kick into this next term, but some students may be keen to get ahead over the break.

    Basketball South Zones

    Two Year 7 and 8 teams recently showcased their skills at the Christchurch South Zone Basketball tournament on Monday. Despite facing formidable competition from schools such as Hillview, St Martins, Ōpāwaho, and Rudolf Steiner, our girls and boys teams demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination, securing third place in the tournament. The students truly embodied the spirit of 'We Love Challenge,' displaying fair play and enthusiasm throughout the day. Thank you to Ibnu and the parents who joined us in cheering on our teams.

    Wheelchair Rugby

    Nicky's Inquiry group has been looking at innovations for people with disabilities. To culminate our learning, we got in 12 wheelchairs for two days of wheelchair rugby for all the students. This immersive wheelchair experience fostered an incredible blend of education and enjoyment. The students embraced the challenges and discoveries that came with navigating the world from a different vantage point. This was a fantastic experience for everyone (even the staff!). It was great to witness the empathy and understanding they developed. A huge thanks to Nicky for organising this amazing experience.

    Term 2 Highlights Video