In this post:
- Production
- Pool party
- Leavers assembly
- Parent Help Needed
- Relationships and Sexuality
- Ski Day Video
We're inching ever closer to the end of the term, and while this can often be a tricky time of the year with learners (and teachers) tired and ready for a break, the Kauri team is enjoying the vibe we currently have in our hub. So many students are demonstrating our school values and are enthusiastically engaging with the learning taking place throughout the week.
If you need a reminder, see the previous blog post for a reminder about costume requirements for each production group.
Please make sure that you have the two performance nights (Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of December) blocked out already so all students are able to take part - we can't get there together without everyone!
Pool Party
We are still on the lookout for someone who would be able to host our low-key pool party for Year 8s on on Wednesday December 13th, from 4pm to 6pm. If you are able to help with this, either because you have a pool or would like to volunteer someone else's pool, please get in touch.
Leaver's Assembly
Thank you to the Year 8 whānau who have already RSVP'd via this google form. Please fill this out as soon as possible if you have not done so. We have limited capacity in the hall, which is why we invite up to two people to support our leavers on the day. Some whānau may need than two people. If this is the case, please get in touch with Thomas directly; We need to keep a close eye on the numbers to ensure everyone can fit in the hall so ākonga are able to be represented and supported.
Parent Help Needed
Thank you to those who have offered to help on our Cass Bay and/or Victoria Park outings. We still need a few more volunteers in order to make sure these events can go ahead. These two days are for all Year 7 and 8 students, and are always a really great time for all. Please fill in this form to indicate how you can help.
Wednesday December 13th: Vic Park Walk
This event involves leaving school by 10am to walk to Victoria Park where we students will take part in some game and activities before returning to school by 3pm. Parts of the walk are quite steep, so good walking shoes (and some fitness) will be required.
Thursday December 14th: Cass Bay Trip
We will leave school by 11am and once at Cass Bay, students can swim, explore, chill, and play in the environment. There will be a guided walk to neighbouring Corsair Bay for those interested.
Previously this has been at Corsair bay, with a walk to Cass bay. We have switched this around due to water quality advice.
Relationships and Sexuality
We have completed the "Who Am I?" section of the curriculum, which looked at identity and stereotypes. We have discussed relationships in light of the different types of relationships we have and the qualities that we value in different relationships. We are also discussing through intimacy and consent at the moment. If you have any questions, please get in touch with your child's homegroup teacher.
Ski Day Video
Despite our very best efforts, we have been unable to share the video in a school assembly of the fantastic day we enjoyed last term up at Mount Hutt. The media team have done a fantastic job of putting together a reflection of the day, and on the off-chance you missed it last time, it's attached below for all to enjoy!