Tuesday 25 October 2016

Kauri Whanau Update: Term 4, Week 3

Week three and things are humming in the Intermediate Hub at Champion Street. The children have adapted really well to the new normal.

This Week:


Most of the children have made a great start to their 'Tale with a Twist' writing. During Wednesday and Thursday they will have a 15 min workshop and 60 mins of writing. By the end of Thursday their writing should be finished. Please ask your child to show you their writing and encourage them to work at home, if needed, to meet the deadline.

Next Week:

Athletic Sports: 

At the moment the long range forecast is looking good for our sports day next Monday, Oct 31st. A reminder that we stay at Beckenham all day for this event.

Big Day Out:

On Thursday Nov 3rd we are off to the city for the day. The children will be rotating around three activities in their home-groups: Medal Art at the museum, Quake City and the botanical gardens. We will send out a message with more specific details early next week. At this stage we are looking for two parents to accompany each home-group. Please fill in this form if you can help. We will be leaving from Beckenham at 9am and will return by 3pm.

Maths home-learning:

Due in on Friday Nov 4th.

Future Events: 

We will send home a paper planner for your fridge with these dates.

Wednesday November 9: Zone athletics at Hansen Park

Thursday November 10: Rapaki Marae trip - all day

Wednesday November 16: Summer tournament for slow pitch and kiwi tag teams

Thursday November 17: Year 7 doing 'People Savers' first aid course at school

Thursday December 1: Year 8 doing 'People Savers' first aid course at school

Friday December 2: Top Team competition at Beckenham in the afternoon (parent help required)

Monday December 5: 'A very Kauri Christmas' matinee performance for school

Tuesday December 6: 'A very Kauri Christmas' evening performance at 7pm. All children involved.

Wednesday December 7: Canterbury athletics

Friday December 9: Walk from school to Victoria Park - all day (parent help required)

Monday December 12: Year 8 pool and pizza part at Tracy's from 4-6pm

Tuesday December 13: Corsair Bay trip - from 10:30 - 3:00 (parent help required)

Thursday December 15: Leavers' assembly and lunch. Year 8 may arrive at Beckenham at 10:30am. Year 8 finish school for the year after the shared lunch.

Friday December 16: Last day for Year 1- 7, finishing at 12:30

Thursday 13 October 2016

Kauri Update: Term 4 Week 1 / 2

We have swept into term 4, embracing the newness and the challenges with smiles and enthusiasm.

This week...

Life at Champion Street:

Busing to school has quickly become with new norm. No one has missed the bus and behaviour has been pleasing. We are loving the new furniture and the children have quickly adapted to the new environment.


We kicked the week off with a birthday party, or rather three birthday parties, for our writing motivation. The children have planned / or are planning, a piece of descriptive writing with a twist. This writing will be due at the end of week three.

Ready for another piece of chocolate.


This was given out on Monday. Hopefully it is underway at your place.


This term all children need named school sunhats. If your child needs to purchase a new one, they can do this at the school office after school.

Climate Change:

We have started our learning about climate change by viewing and discussing 'An Inconvenient Truth'. Discussion has included talk around the fact that there is more than one opinion about why our climate is changing and this movie presents one of these opinions.

Next week...

Athletic sports:

Our sports day is next Thursday, October 20th. As we will be holding this at Beckenham Park, we won't be going to Champion Street this day. Children will need to be at school by 8:50, not 8:30. Before school, they can play in the park. When the bell rings, Year 5-8 will gather in the hall. Parents are most welcome to come and watch during the day. Tracy will send out a programme next week.

New Zealand Playhouse Performance:

On Monday we will be returning to Beckenham straight after lunch, in time to see the New Zealand Playhouse travelling performance: 'The Fairest Of Them All.'  $4.50 will be added to your account, as a donation for this performance.

Coming soon...

Week 4:  Thursday November 3rd, are will spend the day in town, including an art session at the museum.
               Sexuality Road lessons begin

Week 5: Wednesday November 9th, zone sports at Hansen's Park
               Thursday November 10th, Rapaki Marae visit

Coming later...

'A very Kauri Christmas' performing arts evening, Top Team, Victoria Park walk, day trip to Corsair Bay, first aid training and more. A calendar of Kauri events will come out next week.

Lunchtime on the first day of term.

There she goes...

Congratulations to our newest Gold Leaders.