Thursday 23 June 2022

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 8

In this post:

  • Cheese roll help is still needed
  • Ski trip helpers still needed
  • Netball
  • Famine
  • Maths at home video 3
  • Matariki
  • Writers workshops 

Cheese Roll: help needed!

Many thanks to all who placed orders. We have almost 500 dozen cheese rolls to make next Wednesday. At this stage we still need:

  • a parent or two to help with the Wednesday morning shift
  • a parent to help with the Wednesday afternoon shift
  • a parent to chop onions on Tuesday evening
  • large pots (jam-making sized)
  • long wooden spoons
  • electric knives
  • large chopping boards
If you can help with any of the above, please fill in this form.

Ski trip: Sept 1st

Many thanks to the 12 people who have offered to join us for our ski day. We need all of you and some more. If you are able to help and have yet to fill in the form, please do so now.

Winter Sport

Weekly winter sport is well underway and is a highlight of the week for many. We are really proud of the way the tamariki represent our kura at competitive games. We will be giving an update on one sport each week.


Our 7/8 netball teams have had an amazing start to the season! For many, this is the first time they have taken to the court and the improvement in ball skills, and communication has been outstanding. A huge thank you to all those involved who demonstrate our school values in everything they do both inside and outside of school! 

40 Hour Famine

It is fabulous to see so much interest in World Visions's 40-hour Famine this year. This link explains the different 'Famines' and how to get started. Children are discouraged from doing a food famine. Please remind your child to keep going with their sponsorship gathering. There is just one more week until the famine weekend. 


Here is our third video on how to learn and practice basic facts at home. When we asked maths teachers from Cashmere High what their one wish was for children to have mastered by the end of Year 8, they said it was the instant recall of multiplication and division facts to 10x. This is worked on at school and for many, a regular work-on at home would be beneficial.

Preparing the Hangi

Ten of our seniors helped to prepare the food trays for the hangi on Wednesday night. They did a fabulous job and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. A big thanks to all of the performers, demonstrators and helpers at our Matariki evening. This was a great opportunity for our Year 7 & 8s to step up as leaders.

Write On School for Young Writers

The School for Young Writers have the following opportunities coming up in terms 3 and 4.  All info here.

Friday  August 5th AND 19th at Kaiapoi Library:  Write On Speak Out: Podcasting with Plains FM   
* Please note this is a two day workshop

Friday August 26th at Rangiora Town Hall : Poetry Takes You Places * plus optional evening open mic at Rangiora Library

Friday September 16th at Rangiora Town Hall:  It's Only Natural : Creative NonfictionTues Oct 18th, or Weds Oct 19th, or Friday Oct 21st at Tūranga Heritage Festival 2022: Moments and Milestones
* pick one day

Friday October 28th at Kaiapoi Library: Oh, Horror! Horror Writing for Halloween

Friday 10 June 2022

Swimming Sports Video


Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 2 Week 6

 In this post:

  • Basic facts
  • Cheese rolls
  • Parent help for term 3 ski day
  • Theatre sports
  • Reports for high school applications
  • Good luck!

Basic Facts

Each week the children complete a basic facts challenge in their maths class. As they meet targets they are assigned new challenges to move through the basic facts progression. Last term we sent home a list of the basic facts progression. Let us know if you need a copy. The more the children work on their basic facts at home, the more speedy their progress. It would be great to have a conversation at home about what their current 4 challenges are. The video clip below is a suggestion of a regular basic facts activity that should support your child with their learning at home. 

Cheese Rolls

Yesterday the cheese roll order form went out via Hero. You can access it through this link.  We will also send paper forms home, as these are particularly handy when you are gathering multiple orders. We would love you to gather multiple orders if possible. Ask family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues. The more orders we get, the more money we make and the more money we have, the greater our scope for outdoor opportunities this year. 

Thanks to the four people who have offered to help by lending equipment or giving some time on our production day. We need some more helpers, please. Fill in this form if you can help. I am particularly looking for someone to contact Pak'n'Save and Couplands to source ingredients. 

Ski Day Parent Help

Thanks to the seven parents who have so far offered to help on our ski day next term, on September 1st. In order for the day to go ahead, we need around 15 parents. Please fill in this form if you can help. You do not need to be a skier.

Theatre Sports

Congratulations to the 2022 Theatre Sports teams! We are raring to go with our practices to get ready for the competition in November. The team members are:
Competitive Team: Zoe Winsor, Oliver Mclachlan, Cleo Hopkinson, Lachy Mcleod, Stella English and Ashlyn Taffs
Competitive Team: Emma Reedy, Katya Atlas, Lauren Maule, Niamh Wolt, Haile Harmer-Campbell and Charlie Price
Non-Competitive Team: Willow Day, Grace English, Ella Coleman, Rose Bethwaite, Mia Taylor and Aine Smyth
Congratulations everyone!

Reports for high school applications

We are into high school application season. While some open days have been cancelled, a few are going ahead. Please check the website of the high school your child is planning to attend in 2023 for open day and application details. Some applications require copies of the latest school report. We are in the midst of report writing at the moment. These will be available to you via Hero on Friday, July 1st. If you need a copy before then, you should use the report from the end of 2021. Please contact Jacky or Reihana in the office, if you need a printed copy of your child's end of 2021 report.

Best of luck!

Next week we have 2 events, out of school, for groups of our tamariki. On Wednesday two basketball teams are competing in the zone basketball competition at Hillview. On Friday our ShowQuest passion group takes to the stage to record their dance performance. We wish both groups all the best in their respective competitions.