Friday 20 September 2013

A superb day on the snowy slopes of Mt Hutt!

A big thanks to everyone who helped make our ski day possible: the mums and grans who made the arm bands, the people who lent their clothing, the families who let us practice with their gear at school and the parents who guided nervous skiers down the mountain. Despite the weather, we had a fabulous day. Children experiences many emotions during the day, ranging from fear to elation. The smiles on their faces and the stories on the bus were priceless.

Getting the hang of stopping gracefully took a wee while.

Ready to tackle the challenge of the quad chair green run.

Half way down and lots of smiles.

Guidance and advice from the experienced to the newbies.

Satisfaction after a great day on the slopes.

Monday 16 September 2013

Week 8 Update

Ski day this week! Not many sleeps now until we hit the slopes. Thursday's weather forecast looks good, so we are looking forward to a fabulous day. An important notice regarding this trip went home on Friday, in paper copy and electronically. If you didn't receive this, please contact your child's teacher.

Last home learning for the term is due in this Friday.This can be handed in on Wednesday, so that it is not forgotten after the tiring day on the slopes on Thursday.

  • Band Concert this Wednesday 9 - 9:30
  • Ski day this Thursday, be at school by 6:45 am
  • Kids in Town, drama group Thursday Sept 26 at 12 noon
  • Talent Quest finals Friday Sept 27, starting at 1:30. Parents welcome.
  • Technology change of day next week, not Tuesday, but Friday instead.
Speech Competition:
Due to illness, Leni Frampton stepped in to represent us at the South Speech Competition last Thursday evening. She delivered a very well presented speech on 'opinions'and came 4th in the competition. Well done Leni, you were brilliant!

And they're off! A small but dedicated team competed at the School's Orienteering Festival on Saturday. We are awaiting results.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Week 7 Update

Camp Fundraising: It was all go at the Spring Fair on Saturday. Well done to all stall holders, you did a superb job. Those who raised money need to take this to the school office in a named envelope, labelled with 'Spring Fair, Dunedin Camp' and the amount raised. This will be credited towards individual camp accounts. 

We are still selling cookies. Pop in to Room 19, before or after school to replenish supplies.

Bacon order forms will be sent out later this week. This fundraiser is going out school-wide with funds raised going into the general camp fundraising pool. 

If you have prizes to donate to the Quiz night, or you are prepared to help out on the night, please let your child's teacher know. The Quiz night in on Saturday November 2nd.

Speech Success: A huge well done to our 16 speech finalists who presented their speeches to a large audience on Friday afternoon. The standard of both content and presentation was very high. Good luck to Andrew and Ryan who will be taking part in the South Christchurch speech competition on Thursday at 6:30pm at St Martins School. Anyone is welcome to attend this evening, Andrew and Ryan would love your support. 

Drama Group: The drama group will be performing their 'Night at the Museum' piece at the Restart Mall or Canterbury Museum (depending on weather) on Thursday September 26th at 12 noon. If you are in town, they would love your support. 

Ski Countdown: Fingers and toes are crossed for fine and calm weather next Thursday for our ski day. Teachers are matching children up with clothing this week. If this hasn't been sorted for your child by Friday, it would pay to visit Mcewings Snowsports on Yaldhurst road in the weekend, to arrange clothing hire. Their rates are reasonable. Thursday Sept 19 will be a long day, with children at school by 6:45am and returning between 5:30 and 6:00pm. 

Spellathon: Cards should be back at school by now. Testing is on Friday.

Cashmere High Testing is this Thursday. Year 8s need to attend in school uniform. They are to make their own way to and from Cashmere and should return to school during lunchtime.

Whanau Hui: This Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00. Sausage sizzle and movie for the kids, while parents meet.

Disco this Friday: Year 7 & 8 disco goes from 7:30 until 8:30. Please collect your child from inside the hall at the end of the evening.

Technology: In the last week of term 3 technology will be on Friday morning, instead of the usual Tuesday.