Speech Time: We are in the midst of writing speeches on a 'story telling' theme. Please ask your child about their speech. Many will need to work on this at home as well as at school. Speeches will be delivered in classes in two weeks time. Our school final is on Wednesday September 3rd, with Ruth Dyson as our guest judge.
Bruce: We are all missing Bruce at the moment. He is at home recovering from a dislocated knee. Our fingers and toes are crossed, that he might get back to school next week. Bruce has been really touched by all the emails that the children have been sending him and is really keen to be back as soon as the doctor says he can!
Cantamaths: We are off to Horncastle Arena on Wednesday afternoon to compete in the problem solving competition for Cantamath. Good luck to our teams:
- Year 8: Melanie, Oscar, Finn and Beth (Claudia reserve)
- Year 7: Pippa, Angus, Ella and Jack (Logan reserve)
On Friday we were so impressed with the Cantamath project work that was done for home learning. 24 pieces of fabulous maths are going through to the Cantamath Competition. See the pictures below.