We are on the countdown, with just two and a half weeks left at Champion Street. Everyone is feeling pretty excited about being back at Beckenham, in our beautiful new hub. Tomorrow we will travelling back to Beckenham at 12:00 to hold our speech finals in the afternoon. Parents are welcome to join us. We'll be starting at 1:30pm.
This Thursday:
On Thursday Cashmere High School are holding their Year 8 testing morning. All those involved will have received information about this morning from Cashmere. We have been stressing to the children that these tests are just one piece of information used for class placement and that the conversation we have with staff from Cashmere early next term, plays a big part in placement decisions. Children are to wear school uniform to Cashmere. We expect to see all Year 8s back at Beckenham School by 1pm. We do not arrange transport for this morning. The Year 8 children not going to Cashmere next year are to sign in at the Beckenham office by 8:50am on Thursday. They have each been assigned a hub to work in as a leader that morning. Nicky will drive back to Beckenham at lunch time and work with the Year 8s in our new hub that afternoon.
Meanwhile the Year 7s will have a morning at Champion Street with the Year 6s, as a taster for 2018. Year 7 will have normal Champion Street bus arrangements on Thursday.
Those who are getting their HPV Vaccination through school will receive their second dose next week, on Thursday 21st September.
Sexuality Road:
This unit of learning will begin next Monday. The parent evening has been cancelled, due to only one parent signing up for this.
We have been very impressed with the standard of speeches that have been shared over the past three days. Well done to all of those who had the confidence to stand up and speak in front of their peers. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will be holding our Kauri Speech Competition in our new hub at Beckenham. We congratulate the following speakers who will present their speeches tomorrow.
Year 7: Tilly, Hannah W, Thom B, Sophia, Felix, Georgina, Chris, Fynn, Santi
Year 8: Jordan H, Isaac, Amelia Ca, Joe, Daisy, Juliette, Kaia, Sadie, Jamie
To our finalists, keep practising tonight. Watch your speed; not too fast. Make use of gesture and pauses for effect. Depending on your topic, some of you need to ramp up your expression. Best of luck.
This was a very difficult list to create. We would like at acknowledge the following people who really impressed us, but didn't quite make the finalists:
Joel, Marlonique, Maddi, Rosie, Alex, Isla and Ruby.
To everyone else who presented their speech, a huge well done. We were entertained and educated over the past few days. You displayed that you love challenge by facing one of the greatest fears known to man: public speaking.
Winter sport has wrapped up for the year and last week our basketball season finished on a high, with both teams having convincing wins. Many thanks to those parents who have been there game after game to support the children. Your cheering from the sideline makes a big difference.
Beckenham Ballers |
Beckenham Bulls |
Our next sporting competition is a korfball competition on Monday September 25th at Pioneer Stadium. The team is: George, Alex, Fergus, Joe, Caleb, Nathan, Isaac, Millie, Olivia, Shakira, Kaia, Hannah S, Ruby, and Bella. Jarred is sending home a paper notice about this tournament today.
From Canterbury Young Writers:
Book for the Spring into Writing Workshops
These Spring holidays we will be running two workshop days. You can book for one or two sessions per day.
Cost: $15 per session or $25 for two sessions on the same day.
Where: The Writers’ Block, Hagley Community College. Entry via Waller Terrace
( map)
WORKSHOP OPTION A: Pick-a-Path extravaganza! Borrowing all the best bits from our favourite stories, we’ll kick off a story together as a class, then split off into smaller groups, taking the story in different directions, and everyone will get to write their own ending – be it romantic, gruesome, spectacular, tragic, victorious or heart-breaking. Choose your own adventure!
WORKSHOP OPTION B: Poetry with Pictures: Have you heard it said that a picture is worth a thousand words? Bring your artistic skills — draw a picture and then write a poem about it! Stick drawings work just as well as great art! And then learn how to write another kind of poem — a concrete poem. Turn your words into pictures by changing the shape of them. You will make great poetry by writing in images, about images and with imagery!
Monday October 2 Year 4 to 6
10.00 – 12.00 Both workshops are on offer ( Poetry with Pictures and Pick-a-Path)
Lunch: supervised. Children need to bring their own lunch if staying for both workshops.
12.30 – 2.30 Both workshops are on offer ( Poetry with Pictures and Pick-a-Path)
Tuesday October 3 Year 7 to 8
10.00 – 12.00 Poetry with Pictures workshop only
Lunch: supervised. Children need to bring their own lunch if staying for both workshops.
12.30 – 2.30 Pick-a-Path workshop only