In this post:
The latest victim on our current Level 2 status is Cantamath. We heard yesterday that this event will be cancelled. The children who attend maths club had been working hard towards the teams event and the creativity, precision and maths content in many of the Cantamath projects are evidence of many hours work. We know there will be lots of disappointed children. This morning we have marked all of the Cantamath projects and decided which work we would have sent through to Cantamath and what we believe would have earned a highly commended or excellence award.
Work by these children would have been sent to the Cantamath competition, had it gone ahead:
Abby, Ava, Ben, Caleb, Connor I, Cooper, Devina, Erik, Eva, Fergus, Frances, Grace H, Henry M, Holly, Ilia, Isla, James, Kate, Layla J, Layla W, Lexi, Lurandt, Mac, Mahli, Marcellus, Meara, Mia, Morgan, Rosie, Ruby, Tabea, Thomas, Walter, Zara M, Zoë C
We have given these children a highly commended award:
Holly, Meara, Henry M, Ava, Grace H, Erik, Eva and Lurandt
The projects completed by these people were of a very high standard and we have awarded them an excellence:
Devina, Ruby, Caleb, Abby, Kate, Zoë C, James, Mia and Mac
All Cantamath projects are currently on display in Sth Hangere - the building that is closest to the old dental clinic by the river. You are welcome to come in and take a look between 8:30 and 9am or 3 and 3:30pm this week.
We are now collecting phones in a tub each morning and sending them to the office for safe-keeping during the day. Since we started doing this a week ago, there are less phones being handed in. Here is a photo of the tub today. If your child brings their phone and it is not in the tub photo, please have a conversation with them about following this rule. If you think your child would benefit from a daily reminder, please let us know.

Sporting Events in Week 9
Tuesday 15th September
The three Koru Games volleyball teams will be playing in a one day tournament at Hillview Christian School.
Meet: 8:00 in the Kauri Hub
Children should be dressed in a black BTKP polo top
Children need:
- Water bottle
- Morning tea and lunch
- Any personal medication such as an inhaler
- Children may bring a book, sketchbook or small game for between games
There will be an optional after school practise on Monday next week where we will be joined by some Year 9s and 10s. This will go from 3:15 until 4:15. If children need to leave early for other after school commitments, that is fine.
This event will go ahead in Level 2
Mixed Sports Tournament with St Martins
Wednesday 16th September
Children who wanted to participate will play in a fun focused one day tournament with St Martins in the sports of football, ultimate frisbee and touch.
This is being held on the Beckenham Park.
This event will go ahead in Level 2, weather permitting.
Canterbury Winter Tournament - This event will only go ahead in Level 1
Jule’s hockey team and Anna’s netball team from weekly winter sport have qualified to play in the Canterbury Winter Tournament.
Hockey - Nunweek Park
Netball - Hagley Netball Courts
Meet: at school at 9:00
Children will be travelling to these venues by car. If you are able to support by providing transport, please email Jenny.
Children need:
- Water bottle
- Morning tea and lunch
- Any personal medication such as an inhaler
- Children may bring a book, sketchbook or small game for between games
Weekly Winter Sport
We would like to acknowledge the following children from our weekly enter sport programme. Our adult coaches were asked to select a person from their team for each of these two awards.
Most improved Player - recognising children who showed coachability by taking on feedback and putting exceptional effort into improving their skill level over the course of the season.
Mia, Mila, Tabea, Eddie, Eli, Sachit,
Sportsmanship - recognising children who showed exceptional respect for their opposition, their ref and encouragement of their team.
Henry M, Eva, Lurandt, Syesha, Olive, Layla W
All coaches commented on how difficult it was to choose three awards. We recognise the commitment and effort that all children have demonstrated over the season.