Thursday, 21 January 2021

Kauri Whānau: Here we go 2021!

 Kia ora everyone,

We are looking forward to meeting with you at learning conferences on Feb 2nd and 3rd. If you have yet to book a conference, please follow these instructions: Log onto and, using the code 4ga7w, log in to the site and book a 30min conference with your child's new teacher.   

$5 to Learning Conferences

At the end of last year, your child would have brought home a stationery list. The lists are here if you have misplaced the paper copy. In addition to the stationery that you organise for your child, we have ordered some very good quality maths books for each child. It would be great if you could bring $5 with you to learning conferences to pay for these books. 

Megan Recovering

In mid-January Megan Culver had a scheduled operation. She is doing well and will return to school in late February. Tracy Inwood will be filling in for Megan while she is recuperating. Georgie Jones, who will be working in our hub for one day a week throughout the year, will join us for learning conferences and will meet with Megan's families. 

The Circle of Life

Sadly one of our hub guinea pigs, Fidget, passed away a few weeks ago. We were sad to see her go and knew it was important to find another friend for Snowy. Last weekend Minky joined Snowy and is settling in well. 

Wainui Camp: March 1-5

We are currently getting planning sorted for our outdoor adventure-based camp at the start of March. We have plenty of camp parents. In order to accommodate everyone, we would like to take a caravan to sleep some of our camp adults. If you can help out, please let me know.