Friday, 11 May 2012

Week 4 Update

Cross Country: Superb effort from everyone on Thursday afternoon. Congratulations to Hannah, Callum, Emily and Jacob for winning their events. Shortly Mr Rodger will confirm teams for the South Zone Cross Country which is on the morning of Thursday May 17. Scooby has again been won by Room 18, great effort 18ers! Click on the photo gallery to see the runners in action.

Sausage Sizzle: We are running a sausage sizzle on Friday (May 18) to raise money for our Orana Park visit. We are seeking some keen parents to help; please let Tracy Inwood, Room 17, know if you are available. After the sausage sizzle we will let you know the cost of the Orana Park field trip.

Hagley Park Sport: This competition starts on Friday (May 18). A notice is coming home soon with details of equipment, bus charges e.t.c. Those not involved in the Hagley Competition, will be playing sport and participating in outdoor challenges at school.

Shirley Boys' High School: C V Gallagher Academic Scholarship for $1000. Contact SBHS for details.

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