Monday 8 July 2013

Week 10 Update

Cashmere High Talk: on Thursday July 11 at 7:30pm Mark Wilson from Cashmere High Schhol will be talking with prospective families in the school hall.

Reports: these will be ant home on Monday, earlier than the rest of the school, as some high school applications require copies of the most recent report.

Teacher only day: school will start on Tuesday July 30 next term, as we have a teacher only day on the Monday.

Media team: over the past two Mondays and again this Monday the media team have been working with a tutor from NET to create movies about life in Year 7 & 8 at Beckenham.

Art Exhibition: grand opening tonight from 5:30 - 7pm. Also open during the day, until 4pm, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

No sport this Friday.

Parent help on ski day: if you would like to help out at our ski day on Sept 19, please send me an email:  In your message please explain your skiing skill level and any other relevant skills. We would like to take some parents who are skiers, but will also want some non-skiers.

Coming soon:

  • Form to complete re ski day at Mt Hutt on September 19.
  • Information about Year 7 & 8 camp to Dunedin next year (April 7 - 11) and fundraising plan.

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