Tuesday 15 November 2016

Kauri Whanau Update; Term 4 Week 6

Rapaki Marae:

We had an awesome day at Rapaki Marae last Thursday. The children responded very positively to the powhiri and it was great to see a number volunteering to hongi with the tangatawhenua. Many thanks to Manaia Cunningham to joined us and was our speaker.  Rakapi marae has recently been rebuilt and is stunning inside and out. We do not have photos of the interior; you will need to see this with your own eyes. We learnt a lot about the history of the marae and the meaning behind the tukutuku and kowhaiwhai on the walls and roof. After visiting the Marae we had fun exploring the bay.

Summer Tournament tomorrow, Wednesday:

Best of luck to our slow-pitch and kiwi-tag teams, who will be competing at Hagley Park tomorrow. Tracy has already sent out notices to the families with children involved. Please add a raincoat to your child's supplies for the day, as rain is in the forecast. Children and transporters meet by the hall steps before 8:30.

Children not involved in the tournament will be doing sport, art and inquiry activities at Champion Street. Their bus departs at the normal time.

Passion Friday Food:

This Friday is 'appliance day'. The children involved in the food passion are to bring an appliance (if possible) and appropriate ingredients. They are also to bring pizza toppings. Tracy will supply the pizza bases.

First aid training:

On Thursday this week the Year 7s will be having a day of first aid training with the Red Cross. Year 8s will continue with the normal programme. Year 8 have their first aid day in a fortnight.


After our Dunedin camp in term 1, we produced a photo-book which was sold to a large number of families. We have a lot of great photos from throughout the year,  recording the many different learning experiences the children have had. The plan is to make another photo book about 2016 in the Intermediate Hub. This will be sold for between $25 and $30, with profits going towards our camp to Wainui next year. If you would be interested in purchasing one of these books, please click this link. If you didn't order a Dunedin camp book and would still like to, please email Nicky.

School for young writers:

We have a number of talented young writers in our team who may be interested in attending the Summer Writing School from Jan 16-20 2017. Click here for information and registration.

More photos from the Rapaki Marae trip:

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