Tuesday 13 June 2017

Kauri Whanau: Term 2 Week 7 Update

What are we up to in the Intermediate Hub?

Since the start of this term we have been exploring diversity through lots of rich discussion, videos and a guest speaker. Next week we will introduce the children to their inquiry options. The children will select an aspect of diversity: cultural, gender or disability, to focus their inquiry on.

In the meantime, we are having a focus on visual art this week. The children have opted for one of the following: mixed media mini canvas, cartoon drawing or lego based portraits. We are looking forward to seeing what they produce by the end of Thursday.

We finished our hockey unit with a festival last Wednesday. From tomorrow we will be focusing on football skills, every Wednesday for 45 mins.

Last week we started writing stories based on a world record attempt. We will come back to these next week. Some children will need to spend time at home working on these this week.

Year 8 girls will be starting self defence classes with Lynda Maindonald from Self Defence NZ next Monday afternoon. They will have 5 sessions. We have worked with Lynda for several years now and the girls in the past have found these sessions very empowering, and fun.


Tomorrow, the choir meet by the ponds at 8:30. From there they will walk to Hillview for a massed choir rehearsal. This will happen again next Tuesday morning. Both mornings, they will be back at Champion Street by 11:45. Booking forms for tickets to see the choir perform next Tuesday and Wednesday evening need to be returned to the office by this Friday. Jarred has spare copies if needed.

Cheese Rolls:

Our Passion Friday cheese roll business group, EeezyCheezyInc, have been very busy planning, testing, designing and organising systems. Order forms went on-line in the weekend and paper forms went home today. We will be having two cheese roll making days. The first will be on Thursday June 29th, for Year 1-4 orders. The second will be on Wednesday July 5th for Year 5-8 orders. We would appreciate as much parent help as possible on these days. Please fill in this form if are able to help at some stage.


From Rangi Ruru:

Personalising Your Daughter’s Learning  is for parents wanting to know more about our individual plans for each Rangi student, our approach to the curriculum, learning support and extension, and our GATE programme.
Thursday,  15 June   5.30pm - 7.00pm                                                     
To register interest  http://bit.ly/InsightIntoRangi

An awesome family outing:

From the Christchurch Maths Association: We warmly invite you to discover the maths behind craft and the craft behind maths at Christchurch’s first Maths Craft Day, Sunday June 18 in The Great Hall at The Arts Centre. Our all-day event is free, and suitable for adults and children alike, and we would love to see you there. The Christchurch Maths Craft Day will feature seven craft creation stations as well as public talks by mathematician crafters, and the day-long celebration of maths promises to engage people of all ages. Make a Möbius strip, crochet a hyperbolic plane, build a fractal sculpture, fold an origami octahedron, and listen to talks about the connections between maths and crafts. Explore the newly opened Teece Museum at the Arts Centre and discover the ancient relationship between mathematics and craftsmanship. Open to everyone: experts and amateurs, maths-fans and maths-phobes, the crafty and the curious.

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