Wednesday 24 October 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 4 Week 2

Many thanks to the parents who have signed up to help with events we have planned for this term. If you have yet to do this, please click on this link.  30 of our Year 7s have expressed an interest in being a House Captian or on the Student Council Exec in 2019! If your child would like to apply for a position and has yet to complete the form, here is the link. They have until this Friday to apply. Please read on for important messages.

Sexuality Road: Parent Meeting

In week 4 we will be starting our health unit: The Sexuality Road. This topic addresses, changes that happen at puberty (physical and emotional), communication and decision making, reproduction and where to go to for support. We will teach the Year 7 programme and the Year 8 programme separately. If you would like to find out more about what the programme involves, we will be holding are parent information evening for Year 5 - 8 families in the staffroom on Thursday November 2nd, starting at 7pm.

Long jump this Friday

Unfortunately, we do not have a long jump pit at Beckenham, and therefore need to hold our long jump event at Hillview. This Friday afternoon, we would like to give the children the opportunity to practise at Hillview. We are looking for two parents to accompany this group, with Jenny. Please email Jenny if you can help out between 1:20 and 3pm.

Year 8 Pool Party

As has become tradition, we will be holding a Year 8 pizza and pool party on Monday December 17, from 4pm until 6pm. This year Georgie's family have offered to host the party at their property. More details, including address, will be provided closer to the time.

Basketball singlets and other sports tops to return

If your child played in a basketball team, or for a winter sport team, please make sure that their uniforms are returned to school this week.

Year 8 photos when I was 5

The Year 8s have until next Friday to write their memories for the Graduation Year Book. We like to include photos of when they started school, as 5 year olds, in this book. It doesn't matter if their first school wasn't Beckenham. Parents please locate and email me a photo file, or send a photo for scanning (I promise to return it the same day). We need to get these photos in by next Friday too. Many thanks for your help with this.

Ōtakāro Orchard visit

Last term, Peter from Ōtākaro Orchard visited our hub to talk about their project to create an urban food forest in the centre of Christchurch. At the end of his visit, Peter invited us to come for a working bee to see what the project is all about. On Monday 5th of November, we will be heading into town to do just that. The hub will be split into two groups, with one at the Ōtākaro Orchard site while the other group learns some research skills at Tūranga, Christchurch's brand new central library. The groups will meet at Margaret Mahy Playground for lunch and then swap so that both groups get to do both activities.

In order to make this trip a possibility, we need three parent helpers. If you are able to help, please email

Donations to cover expenses

The following requests for donations will come out on your next school account:

  • Ōtakāro Orchard: $5.50
  • Corsair Bay: $7

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