Sunday 30 August 2020

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 7

 In this post:

  • Fundraising Update
  • Sports Uniforms
  • Cantamath projects
  • Self Defence
  • Speech Competition
  • Ski Day

Remember that Monday is a staff only day. We will see everyone at 8:30 on Tuesday, ready for technology.

Fundraising for Camp

So far this term our raffles, toilet paper sales and quiz night have contributed $4000 to our camp fundraising! This Thursday we are making over 350 dozen cheese rolls. If you have ordered cheese rolls, please help the environment by providing your own (named) container. There will be boxes outside the hall to drop these into on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Sports Uniforms

Our 'keeping it local' sports competition finished off last Thursday. A huge thanks to all parents who helped to coach / manage / ref our teams. The weather this weekend is perfect for getting that uniform laundered and ready to hand in on Tuesday.


With a staff only day on Monday, this provides the perfect opportunity for getting lots of work done on Cantamath projects. These are due to be handed in this Friday, September 4th.

Self Defence

The Girls' Self Defence Project starts this Friday, in the afternoon, for Year 8.

Speech Competition

What an entertaining morning we had last Wednesday when we listened to the finalists in our speech competition. Our judges were from the Cashmere High English Dept and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the children tell their stories. A special congratulations to:
Year 7: 1st, Zoë; 2nd, Jonty; and 3rd, Jalori
Year 8: 1st, Max; 2nd Ben; and 3rd, Ruby

Zoë and Max will go on to represent our school at the South Zone Speech Competition on Monday September 21st, in the evening.

Ski Day

The sun shone, the mountain glistened and the children had a blast at our ski day on Friday. There were so many fabulous examples of children embracing challenge and 'getting there together'. A huge thanks to the parents who helped out and made the day possible. 

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