Wednesday 13 April 2022

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 1 Week 11

 In this post:

  • Smart watches
  • Arrival time at school
  • Tech at South - first day
  • PB4L
  • 40 Hour Famine
  • Sport

Term 1 2022, has certainly been different to what usually happens in our Year 7 & 8 hub. We have been so impressed with how your children have responded to these differences and cancellations, that have been caused by the pandemic. It has also been a tiring term with the wearing of masks and lots of illness. The holiday has been well earned by everyone. We wish your whānau a safe and happy two weeks and look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday, May 3rd. Please note that Monday is a staff only day.


As smartwatches are communication devices, they are not something that our tamariki can have on them during the school day. If a smartwatch comes to school, it will be treated as a phone and need to be handed into the phone box for safekeeping at the start of each day. This is in line with our school ICT agreement.

Arrival time at school

We have noticed a number of children arriving at school very early. This can cause some issues before school. Children should not be at school before 8:30. There are two exceptions for this: on Tuesdays, children can arrive at 8:25 for technology, and on Thursdays, Maths Club children arrive at 8:20.

Technology at South

We are looking forward to travelling to South Intermediate for technology classes from the first day of term two. Unless we contact you to say otherwise, children need to be at school by 8:30 on the first day of term two, Tuesday, May 3rd. 

Positive Behaviour For Learning

We use our PB4L lessons to address any current happenings, concerns or work-ons within our hub. In the past few weeks we have been noticing a trend of students leaving the hub to eat during learning time so we have highlighted the importance of eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet, largely focusing on the food pyramid and what impact each type of macronutrient has on our brain. In addition to this, we have been learning about Ramadan and what this looks like for learners within our kura over the next month. It has been a fantastic way to celebrate our cultural diversity and to reinforce global citizenship. 


Our sports leaders, Billy and Zoe, have put hours of time into planning a sports event for our hub this term. Despite the weather causing a change of timeframe, our tamariki thoroughly enjoyed playing korfball, spikeball, Kiorahi, Ultimate and T-ball. The encouragement of others and positive sportsmanship have been fabulous to see.

Please click this link to find out about sport in term 2 and indicate if you can help out.

Cross Country: Week 2 Term 2

We are really excited to get back into sports again in term 2.

In term 2 we have cross country on the Tuesday of week 2 for year 5 - 8 children. Inclusion is always a priority as we plan this event and COVID 19 provides another consideration. 

We know that many children will be thrilled about sporting activities resuming. We are also conscious that for people who have had Covid-19, the return to physical activities needs to be done carefully. Taking time to fully recover from Covid-19 and the effect of Long Covidare at the forefront of our minds as we plan our school cross country.  

Participating in our cross country sees many children embracing challenge and pushing the boundaries of their physical endurance. For a healthy, prepared body, this is a great thing. For a body that is recovering from illness, this can impact recovery. 

If your child has returned to school after being absent with Covid 19, we advise that they do not participate in a competitive manner. Instead, our recommendation is that your child walks the course or participates as an event helper. We know that this will be disappointing for some. The final decision on your child’s readiness for cross country at this time is ultimately one for you to make together as a whānau. If you decide your child should not participate in running the cross country for a medical reason (including recovering from having Covid-19), please email their homeroom teacher. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that your child is running/walking cross country on the Tuesday of week 2. 

If your child is well and healthy and intends to participate competitively in cross country, some running practice over the holidays would be a great idea. 

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