Thursday 4 August 2022

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 2

 In this post:

  • Your feedback please
  • Cantamath projects
  • Relationships and Sexuality Meeting
  • Readathon
Many thanks to the vast majority who have now filled in the ski form. If this is still on your 'to do' list, we'd appreciate you getting onto it quickly. A reminder that next Friday, August 12th, is a staff-only day.

Your Feedback

Each year at this time we send out a feedback form to gather your views on how this year is going for your child. This is an opportunity to let us know what you think we are doing well and also what changes you think would be helpful. The form should take less than five minutes; please click here.

Cantamath Projects and Teams

This week on Tuesday we held our annual Becamath competition. The hall was abuzz with mathematical discussion, excitement, noise and plenty of challenge! The top of the scoreboard is pictured below. Next week our problem-solving teams will be announced, 8 children plus 2 reserves, to compete at Cantamath on August 24th. 

Hopefully, there has been a hum of activity underway at your place, as your child works away at their Cantamath project. This needs to be brought to school on Thursday morning next week August 11).

Relationships and Sexuality

We will be starting our health unit on sexuality and relationships education in week 5. On Wednesday, next week, we will be having a parent information afternoon, starting at 3:15pm in our hub.  If you would like to attend this session, please fill in this form. Thanks to those who have already completed this form.


Our school readathon started on Monday and runs until next Friday. Thanks for supporting your child to gather sponsors and complete their daily reading at home.  The annual book character dress-up day is coming up on Friday, August 19th. 

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