Friday 10 February 2023

Kauri Whānau Update, Term 1 Week 2

 Kia ora koutou katoa,

In this post:

  • Leadership positions
  • Leadership Week
  • Technology
  • Swimming Sports
  • Wainui camp update

It's been a great start to the year so far. We've had a wonderful time getting to know our learners.

Today we announced the Year 7 and 8 Leadership positions. It was great that everyone signed up for something, and we're really excited to see how the flourish as leaders this year. If any students have concerns, please get them to email their homeroom teacher and/or Thomas.

Leadership Week

Next week we have our highly-anticipated Leadership Week for all Year 7 and 8 students.

For Year 7 students, this will mean spending time in Junior Hubs (Kōwhai, Kahitkatea, and Koru) on either Thursday or Friday. On Wednesday Year 7s will be taking part in a range of activities to put their learning about the 7 Habits into action. On Wednesday, they will be allowed to wear their activewear.

For Year 8 students, they will need to wear their activewear on Thursday and Friday. On Thursday, students have an extra-long day at school with a range of leadership and teamwork activities, which includes a guest speaker, through to 5.30pm at which point we will provide dinner for the Year 8s. They will need their own lunch on this day, however. After dinner, we will head in to Margaret Mahy Playground using public buses, which means they will require $2.50 for the bus fare. We will be back at school and ready to be picked up by 9pm.  On Friday, Year 8 students will head to Spencer Park for the day for their own range of activities unpacking the 7 Habits. We will be providing lunch for the students on this day.

We're really looking forward to this opportunity to get to know our learners better and see them extend themselves in the process!


Next week we will also have our first technology session with (almost) all learners heading to Christchurch South Karamata Intermediate (CSKI). We will communicate with students on Monday about which group and tech specialisation they will have on Monday. With rebuilding currently taking place at CSKI, only three of the four groups will take the bus - one of the Year 7 groups will be taught at Beckenham by the fabulous fabrics teacher for Term 1. We have also received news today that the canteen is currently not operating. 

Swimming Sports

Sarah has gratefully received all the information sent through by parents for Swimming Sports and is working through the process of collating everything for the event on February 27th. She'll be in touch with more information to those involved next week.


The Year 7 and 8 camp to Wainui is also just around the corner - Monday March the 6th to 10th. We have sent emails to confirm with parents who have signed up to come along, and will be sending out a gear list, camp cost notification, and health form by the end of next week.

Thanks for a great first few weeks, and have a relaxing weekend ahead of next week's jam-packed schedule!

Ngā mihi

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