Friday 31 March 2023

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 9

 In this post:

  • No technology
  • Sport term 2
  • Animal dress-up day pics
  • Passions pics


There will be no technology this coming Tuesday, as they will be setting up new spaces at Christchurch South Intermediate that day. Children are to arrive at school at the usual time, ready to start learning at 8:55.

Sport in Term 2

Thank you to parents who have offered to help with a winter sports team. Winter sports begins next term on the 25th May and runs for the last 5 weeks of Term 2 and then the first 5 weeks of Term 3. We have had a lot of interest in football and netball, but still need parents to help with a team. If you are able to assist please email

SPCA Fundraiser

A bit well done to the student council for organising a fabulous Animal Dress-up Day today. $600 was raised, and we also have a huge pile of donations.


Today we came to the end of our term 1 passion sessions. The children have developed skills and a passion for American football, working with our younger tamariki, coding, photography, science and quilling. Next week, we will outline the passions for term 2.

In our photography passion we have been learning about different shots and angles such as close up and low angle. The students have been enjoying exploring and trying new things. Today we learnt about trick photography, it was highly amusing!

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