Friday, 19 May 2023

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Weeks 4

 In this post:

  • Winter sports reminder
  • Ski Trip reminder
  • Cheese rolls
  • Writing competition
  • Cashmere High Open Day

Winter Sports

Sports starts this coming Thursday. Please make sure that students have all the gear they need, and a full lunch box and water bottle on that day. Check the Hero notices for information specifically around specific sports if your child is in a competitive team.

Ski Trip

Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer for our ski day in Term 3. We have booked our ski day at Mt Hutt for Monday, August 28. This day has a very early start, meeting at school at 5:45am! We return by 6pm. At this stage we are looking for more parents/caregivers to help on this trip. We are after both experienced skiers, who can help on the snow, and people on foot to support around the base area. Please fill in this form if you are keen to join us.

Cheese roll fundraiser, parent help needed.

Alongside the ski trip is the need to fundraise! Over the past few years we have made and sold cheese rolls. This system works well (with the children as the main workforce) and we have made lots of money in the past. Wednesday, June 7th will be our production day. Please read this form to see if you can help and fill it out if you can contribute in some way. Thanks team - 'We get there together!'

Of course we can only make cheese rolls if they have been ordered - it's great to see that nine families have ordered via the google form so far. This can only mean that we are soon to be inundated with paper forms filled with orders! Speak to your tamariki about the prize in play for those that sell the most! Orders close on Monday May 29th, so get selling!

Writing Competition

Cashmere High School Open Day

Sunday, 14 May 2023

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Weeks 2 - 3

We've had a couple of full weeks to fill you all in on. In this post:

  • Cross Country
  • Life Changer
  • Ski Day
  • Cheese Roll Fundraiser
  • Code Club visit Tūranga
  • Math Clubs

Cross Country

The heavens opens and poured down on us, just as we gathered for the start of the 2023 cross-country. With the decision made to go ahead, we were impressed with the grit and determination shown by the vast majority of the team.  Everyone had different measures of success. We were so impressed by those who managed to run the full course without stopping and those who maintained a regular run - walk - run pace. A special congratulations to the top 3 finishers in each section:

  • Year 8 Girls: Ella C, Zoe (tied for first), Charlie
  • Year 8 Boys: Cahlen, Dan, James
  • Year 7 Girls: Harriet, Isabella and Bonnie
  • Year 7 Boys: Jack, Finn, Rowan

A huge thanks to parents who came along to help with the running of the event.


Starting in Week 2, we have been taking part in LifeChanger sessions with visiting facilitators from Auckland. LifeChanger empowers young people to live thriving, resilient lives by developing their social, emotional and resilience skills. The children have been engaging really well with the learning, and we have two more to wrap things up in Week 4.

Ski Day

We have booked our ski day at Mt Hutt for Monday, August 28. This day has a very early start, meeting at school at 5:45am! We return by 6pm. At this stage we are looking for parents/caregivers to help on this trip. We are after both experienced skiers, who can help on the snow, and people on foot to support around the base area. Please fill in this form if you are keen to join us.

Cheese roll fundraiser, parent help needed.

With our ski trip coming up next term, we need to raise some funds. Over the past few years we have made and sold cheese rolls. The system works well (with the children as the main workforce) and we have made lots of money in the past. Wednesday, June 7th will be our production day. Please read this form to see if you can help and fill it out if you can contribute in some way. Thanks team - 'We get there together!'

Also important is that you can order cheese rolls via the form below:

World Vision Junior Youth Conference

Grace, Stella, Scarlett and Alyssa attended the World Vision Junior Youth Conference on Thursday of Week 2. The girls had a great day learning about the amazing work that World Vision does and came back feeling very inspired. The 40 Hour Challenge is coming up so stay tuned to hear from our leaders in the coming weeks about this great cause. 

A huge thank you to Katie for taking the girls to the conference!

Code Club visit Turanga

On Wednesday, a number of students from the Friday Code Club passions group had the opportunity to head into Turanga. Find out all about what they got up to via the link below to the video they created.

Maths Clubs

Maths Clubs are proving to be popular on a Thursday morning. A reminder that we have two Maths Clubs this term, both taking place on Thursdays from 8.20 to 8.50am. Nicky will be running an extension club in the Breakout Space, and Bridie will be running a Times Tables club in Kōmanawa for those who want to improve their multiplication facts knowledge. All students are welcome.