Friday 19 May 2023

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 2, Weeks 4

 In this post:

  • Winter sports reminder
  • Ski Trip reminder
  • Cheese rolls
  • Writing competition
  • Cashmere High Open Day

Winter Sports

Sports starts this coming Thursday. Please make sure that students have all the gear they need, and a full lunch box and water bottle on that day. Check the Hero notices for information specifically around specific sports if your child is in a competitive team.

Ski Trip

Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer for our ski day in Term 3. We have booked our ski day at Mt Hutt for Monday, August 28. This day has a very early start, meeting at school at 5:45am! We return by 6pm. At this stage we are looking for more parents/caregivers to help on this trip. We are after both experienced skiers, who can help on the snow, and people on foot to support around the base area. Please fill in this form if you are keen to join us.

Cheese roll fundraiser, parent help needed.

Alongside the ski trip is the need to fundraise! Over the past few years we have made and sold cheese rolls. This system works well (with the children as the main workforce) and we have made lots of money in the past. Wednesday, June 7th will be our production day. Please read this form to see if you can help and fill it out if you can contribute in some way. Thanks team - 'We get there together!'

Of course we can only make cheese rolls if they have been ordered - it's great to see that nine families have ordered via the google form so far. This can only mean that we are soon to be inundated with paper forms filled with orders! Speak to your tamariki about the prize in play for those that sell the most! Orders close on Monday May 29th, so get selling!

Writing Competition

Cashmere High School Open Day

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