Friday 21 July 2023

Kauri Whānau Update: Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back! We hope you have all had a restful break, and that the first week back hasn't been too much like hard work for the tamariki. We've enjoyed reconnecting and hearing what great things they've been up to over the break.

In this post:

  • Jenny Returns
  • Cantamath Reminder
  • Speeches
  • Koru Games
  • Pyjama Day
  • Bridie surname update
  • Writing extension opportunities

Jenny Returns

This week we welcomed Jenny back to the Kauri Hub. Jenny has been suitably refreshed from her time away, and has had a great first week reconnecting with the Year 8s and meeting the Year 7s.

Cantamath Reminder

By now, children should be underway with their project. Please chat with your child to see where they're at, and give them a gentle nudge if they haven't started yet.

If they're still struggling to come up with ideas, please remind them about the example slideshow on the Kauri Hub google classroom and chat through the categories which can be seen on the notice that went home in paper copy and via Hero.

Please also feel free to email homeroom teachers by Monday so we can catch up with them as well.


We are currently teaching persuasive writing in Literacy and  working towards presenting speeches in Week 5.

Some students will be in their element, while other may find the prospect of speaking in front of their peers less appealing. Please check in and see how your child is feeling and encourage them to discuss with their Homeroom or Literacy teacher if they have any worries. We want to ensure that all students feel successful and are appropriately challenged, however this may look.

Koru Games

Jenny is seeking enthusiastic parents to support and/or coach for Koru Games on the 19th to 21st of September. The sports we hope to enter are Touch Rugby, Ki O Rahi, Basketball, Hockey, and Ultimate Frisbee. Please email her if you are able to take part, or if you know someone who might be interested.

Pyjama Day

It was amazing to see the range of designs possible on an oodie on Wednesday. Many of the students were so comfortable in their learning, that maybe should consider a oodie uniform option! We had a really positive feedback from the City Mission when our student leaders took in the donation of cans - thank you to everyone that contributed towards this.

Bridie Surname Update

Please note that Bridie's email address has been updated to reflect her new married name. Please get in contact with her via

Writing Extension Opportunities

Write On School for Young Writers is offering the following opportunities in Term 3:

  • Antarctica VR + Real Writing:  August 4th in Rangiora
  • Nth Power Poetry:  August 11th in Rolleston
  • Songwriting: August 18th at Tūranga in Christchurch
  • Super Senses: Sept 1 at Tūranga in Christchurch
  • Write for the Ears podcasting: Sept 8 in Rangiora
  • From Beginning to End: Sept 15th in Rolleston

You can find out more via their website.

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