Sunday, 4 February 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 1

We very much enjoyed meeting with so many of you at learning conferences last week. There was lots of information to take in, so here are some reminders.

We are a peanut free hub: 

In order to ensure that safety of all children in our hub, we are a peanut free zone. This includes your child not eating peanuts for breakfast, Monday to Friday. If your child does slip up and finds a peanut product in their lunchbox, they will not be 'in trouble', but need to let a teacher know as soon as they realise this.

Tuesday is an early start:

Roll call on Tuesday is at 8:30am. This is so that children can get to technology at Christchurch South Intermediate on time. There is a school canteen at South, so money can be brought for small purchases.


If you did not sign and hand in cyber-safety or bus agreement forms at learning conferences, please get these back ASAP. We have spare copies in the hub. We also need BYOD forms back.

Parents to read:

Please click on the Kete Awards Scheme tab above this message and have a read of what is involved in this new scheme. We will be introducing it to the children this week. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.

Cooked lunches:

Children are welcome to use the jug, sandwich press or microwave to prepare a hot lunch. It is preferable that this happens just once a week.

Dunedin Camp:

Dates: April 9 - 13. We have enough parent helpers. Children will arrive back at around 6pm on Friday the 13th, which is the last day of school. Cost is still to be confirmed; we hope to get it down to around $250 per child. Contact Vicki in the office if you would like to start weekly payments, or require financial support.

Leadership Camp for Year 8:

March 8-9. This involves a sleepover at school on Thursday the 8th. We will be back at school by 3pm on the 9th.


We strongly encourage BYOD. All children using BYOD need to have BYOD forms back to school, signed, before using their device at school. Cell phones are only to come to school if they are needed for parent communication before / after school. They must be switched off and either in bags or handed into the 'Think Tank' (Kauri teacher office).

First day:

We are looking forward to getting underway with the fun and learning in our hub tomorrow. Please make sure that your child has their sunhat, that it is named, and their jacket is also named. Stationery also needs to be named. We have some free exercise books to give the children this week and will let them know what subject to put on each book.

Please don't hesitate to contact us this year if you have any questions of concerns. A happy child can learn. An unhappy child has difficulty learning. The sooner we know about any issue, the better. Though a positive partnership, parent(s) and teacher(s), we want to make this an awesome year for your child.

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