Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 3
We are well into the swing of things now in the Intermediate Hub, with literacy and maths programmes underway. Please read the important messages below. Our aim is to keep messages brief for quick reading. Feel free to email us if you feel you need more information.
Kete Award Scheme:
It was exciting to read a child's first blog post and award points last week. A number of families are paying for maths and science badges by Friday this week, so these can be ordered. The link to the scheme is on our blog. It is great to see the children living our values by getting involved in this scheme.
Swimming Sports:
This Thursday we have around 40 of our children heading to Wharenui Pool at 11:30am for our swimming sports. Jenny will send a separate message with information and instructions for the day.
Math Club:
It was great to see so many keen mathematicians at 8:20am last Wednesday. This club with continue every Wednesday at this time.
Technology at South:
If you need to drop your child at South Intermediate on a Tuesday morning, it is very important that you let us know (text of email) each day, so that we can mark our roll correctly. Our bus arrives at 8:45. Please do not drop children off at South before 8:40.
Last week we had our first writing motivation: Fear Factor. The children are now writing a descriptive piece about fear. The focus is on the quality of the writing (varying sentence starters, using short sentences for effect, use of similes and metaphors and developing ideas within paragraphs), rather than the quantity. We are discouraging them from writing a 'story'. This piece of writing is due next Friday. We will be reading all writing and providing feedback each weekend. If your child has not completed enough writing, we will send them an email and copy you in, asking them to work on this at home. Of course, any child is welcome to continue working on their writing at home if they would like to. On their document they have a link to 'Literacy Links' which is a website we have created to support them with their writing. They also have an exemplar in the books at school and a planning sheet.
HPV Forms:
Earlier this term all Year 8 children brought packs containing HPV forms home. Please make sure these forms are completed and returned to the school office this week.
Looking for someone with design skills:
Do you work or dabble in art, design or advertising? Would you be interested in helping design our wellbeing definition? This will be central to our student wellbeing strategy this year....and beyond! Please contact me if you can help. Many thanks, Charlotte (charlotte.verity@beckenham.school.nz)
Police Competency Test:
Today we will be telling the children about the PCT competition. This is a team competition open to Year 7 & 8 children. They literally complete the Police Competency Test, so a moderate to high level of fitness is required. This half day competition is on March 27 and includes other activities based on the police force. We will aim to put in two teams of 4 and will need a parent helper per team. Sign up sheets are up in the hub this week. Next week we will run trials to select eight children, four girls and four boys.
Photos from Fear Factor...
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