Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Kauri Whānau Weekly Update: Term 3 Week 7

Te Whānau Mahi Tahi

Those of us sitting in the audience of Horncastle arena on Monday night were filled with pride as we watched our senior kapa haka group, Te Whānau Mahi Tahi, perform. Their confidence, purity of sound, skill and professionalism, resulted in a stunning performance.


This afternoon we welcomed Peter Wells into our hub. He talked with us about the Food Resilience Network in Christchurch, and more specifically the Ōtākaro Orchard in the centre of town. Hearing about what is being developed and how this will flourish and provide sustenance in the near future, was very exciting. We feel a field trip coming on ... more details on this soon.

Sports News

Kiwi Volleyball Year 7/8 League:

To continue our new found love of volleyball, we have entered a school team into the Kiwi Volleyball League in Term 4. Sessions are held on Wednesdays between 4 and 6pm at Hillview Christian School and contain a coaching and game component. Children will have the chance to express their interest from tomorrow at school and a team of 6 will be selected. This will run very similar to the Pioneer Basketball League in that families will need to arrange their own transport to and from Hillview. If this is something that your child is interested in, please have a conversation about how it fits with any other after school commitments they have. A condition of this team entry is that we have a parent who can act as manager and accompany the team. Please email Jenny if you are able to act as manager.

The two teams that are competing in the Koru Games in week 9 are underway with their training and very excited for the upcoming challenge of a three day tournament.

Winter Sport Results:

Congratulations to the following teams
  • Football
    • Beckenham Bandits - A Grade - 3rd Place
  • Netball
    • Beckenham Bluebirds - B Grade - 3rd Place
    • Beckenham Bullets - G grade - 3rd equal
Mountain Biking Passion:

We are still looking for more adult help to support us with running a mountain bike passion in Term 4. Please email Jenny if you would like to know more or if you can offer assistance about this.


Our basketball season has come to a close this week. The children have had a ball and developed in skill and confidence throughout the season. It was always great to have a good turnout of parent support at each game. A special thanks to Cory for his coaching of the Friday team. 

Cantamath Results:

We received the official Cantamath display competition results today. Certificates and badges will be presented later in the week.
Highly Commended: Paolo, Connor, Nadia, Frankie, Charlotte Grey, Helena, Olivia K, Vienna, Tilly, Hannah, Jordan, Bonnie, Jenny's class project and Nicky's class project
Excellence: Morvern, Maddi M, Daniel S, Jack, Lucy, Ben, Charlotte T, Santiago, Marlonique, Kaden, Arran and Hannah's class project
That is one pretty impressive haul of awards! Well done everyone.

Art Week:

Next week we will be having a focus on visual art, with an hour of art each day. Children will choose from three options, with pictures being created for calendars etc. We will be explaining options and taking choices on Friday.


The Readathon is now over and it is time to collect sponsorship money. Please get this in to the school office, ASAP.

Those who love to dress up, relished the opportunity during book character day last Friday.

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