Tuesday 19 March 2019

Kauri Whanau Weekly Update: Term 1 Week 7

What extraordinary times we are living through at the moment. Our love and support goes to those in our team who we know have been directly affected by the events of last Friday. Yesterday we aimed for a very normal day at school. We acknowledged how well the children had done during the lockdown and how it was important not to talk about the details of what happened with peers at school, but to let us know if they did want to talk with an adult. The day went smoothly with the children responding positively to their learning.

Below is lots of important information about our upcoming camp to Wainui in the last week of term.

Camp Fundraising

In light of Friday's events we have decided to postpone the Bingo Comedy Night, scheduled for this coming Saturday, until next term. Ticket sales were steady until Friday and then dropped right off. I have contacted Jarred and once we have a new date we will let you know. Leigh is contacting those who have already booked tickets.

Cheese rolls sales are steady. Please use this link to place your order. It has been heartening to hear about children approaching friends, extended family and neighbors to boost sales.

We are assuming the Bingo night will make at least $1000 in term 2,  and once the cheese roll orders close next Monday, we will finalise the cost of camp. Please do your best to support our cheese roll fundraiser.

Can you join us for some afternoon walks?

Our first camp activity is a tramp to camp. The children will be walking the last section of the journey to Wainui, around 2 hours walking. In order to build up fitness for this, we will be walking up Huntsbury Hill regularly from next week. If you are able to join us on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday afternoon, please click the link below. We will be leaving school at 2pm next week and possibly at the earlier time of 1:30 in the week before camp. Please fill in this form if you can join us.


Today we will be sending home a health profile form for all Year 7s. Camp parents will also need to complete this form.  We already have these for Year 8 from leadership camp. If any situations have changed for our Year 8 children since leadership camp, please update us by emailing your child's homeroom teacher.  We will also send home a paper copy of the gear list explained below. Our camp, from April 8 - 12, will be in the middle of autumn. While we hope for warm dry weather, we need to be prepared for the cold and wet. It is essential that every child has a waterproof coat. We need to sight your child's waterproof coat before camp. Please send it along to school sometime over the next week.  Please let us know if you need help sorting this for your child.

Camp Gear List (supplied by Wainui)

Please ensure all of the items below are named. Gear needs to be packed into a sturdy bag.

Warm Sleeping Bag or Bedding
Fitted sheet
Toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, soap,  deodorant (not spray), shampoo etc.
3 towels
Warm waterproof jacket
2 warm jerseys
6 T-shirts
3 pairs of shorts
3 pairs of trousers
Socks and underwear
Thermals longs and tops
Swimming togs
Warm hat / beanie
Sun hat
2 pairs of lace up shoes, including one pair of sneakers that can be used for water activities.
Gumboots or jandals
Small Backpack
Water Bottle
Any Required Medication
Plastic bags for transporting wet clothes and shoes home
Lunch for the first day
A book

Optional Items

extra clothes, bedding, toiletries, cards, diary, wetsuit, camera etc

Do not bring

Money or valuables
Spray deodorant
Pocket knives
Sweets or energy drinks
Electronic equipment*

* Children will not have cell phones / electronic devices on them during the day. If they would like to make contact with home in the evening, we will make sure they have access to their phone to do this. We will be taking plenty of photos and will aim to put together a photobook after camp.

Camp Food

We will be self-catering at Wainui to help keep costs down and will ask for every family to donate some baking. We would also like some parents to volunteer to prepare a chicken pasta bake for our first night's dinner. We will provide the ingredients and send these home on the Friday before camp. Please fill in this form if you are happy to help prepare one of these dishes. 

Sports News

Huxter Mountain Bike Relay

Winter Sport

We are starting to look for coaches and team managers for winter sport for term 2 and 3. The more managers we have, the more teams we are able to send to Winter Sport. Coaching or managing a team ensures your child a place on the team, should they want it. Coaches need to be available for one lunchtime practice a week, while Team managers need to commit to attending games with their team on Friday afternoons from 1 to 2:30 pm. 

We need coaches and managers for the following sports: rugby, football, hockey and netball. Rugby coaches and managers are required to attend a short training course before they are able to referee games. This is to promote a safe and fair game.  Please complete this form if you are able to support us with this.

Congratulations to our children who participated in the Hanmer 4 Hour mountain bike relay on Saturday. 

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